
This repo contains all the materials used for the one-month long JavaScript Workshop organized by ITSNP ORG.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

One Month long JavaScript Zero to One Long Workshop.

This reprository contains all the recorded session of the workshop for your reference, codes, slides used during all the session along with the recordings for your reference in the future.

Note : The recoded playlist may not be accessible if you're regestrants, because it was paid workshop but other resources are accessible happy learning 🎊

WorkShop title : JavaScript Zero to One

Duration : One Month (27 Days)

Workshop By : ITSNP ORG, Tutor : Saroj Dahal, Sujan Khatiwada

Day Tutor Code Slides Recorded Session Playlist Complete Zip
1-15 Sujan Khatiwada Downlaod Downlaod View Downlaod
16-26 Saroj Dahal Downlaod Downlaod View Downlaod

Note : Playlist contains priavetly shared videos with registerd participants only.

Thank you! Register here for any upcoming workshop. Register