
Can UnrealCV project work with Datasmith UE plugin?

dedoogong opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Operating System: Win/Mac/Ubutu
  • UE4 Version: 4.24+
  • UnrealCV Version: latest
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): 3.6
  • Problem Description: I want to load 3d max model with material setup made in 3ds max into UE4. But I found I need to use Datasmith UE4 plug-in. I used NDDS developed by Nvidia. But I failed to use Datasmith plugin with NDDS(when I create a new NDDS project, Datasmith plug-in is gone(I can't see it). Also I can't load Datasmith exported nicely looking(material applied correctly) model into NDDS project( all materials are gone).
    Please give me a hint if any guy tried to use UnrealCV and Datasmith together.
