
UE4 Version 4.20.3 object_mask problem

gunwop opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Operating System: windows 10
  • UE4 Version: 4.20.3
  • UnrealCV Version: 0.3.10
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): python3
  • Problem Description:
    I used the command 'vset /viewmode object_mask' and the screen is all gray.
    If the command vget /object/0/color is used, the color value is output.
    please tell me how to solve this problem.
    I hope it will be resolved in Unreal version 4.20.3.
lvoos commented

I have the same issue with object_mask on UE 4.21.2
I wish someone could help resolving it.
I'm on macOS 10.14.6, UE 4.21.2, UnrealCV from 4.22 branch