
compile for UE5

Opened this issue · 4 comments

  • Operating System: windows 10
  • UE4 Version: UE5 EA
  • UnrealCV Version:
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): python3
  • Problem Description:
    I have tried to compile for Ue5 but it is not something i can fix. Can anyone please compile for UE5 ? Please?

Any updates here? I am also very interested in using unreal cv for UE5. Thanks

Having the same problem.

I would be interested as well! What's the bottleneck for the build in UE5? I might start investigating myself (with little knowledge on the matter) but maybe there are some considerations or alternative solutions already. Thanks in advance!

I have a keen interest in porting Unreal CV to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). I am currently also playing around with segment-anything in UE5. Would love to connect with like-minded individuals already exploring this area.
if interested in chatting more, shoot me a DM on Discord - feverishhh#5118.