
Build failed for UE4.27

ramparvathaneni opened this issue · 7 comments

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • UE4 Version:4.27
  • UnrealCV Version: cloned from branch 4.27 seems like v0.3.10
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): 3.10
  • Problem Description: Build Failed Exited with code 6


I can't build due to the same error

My temporary solution to fix build error in branch 4.27:

  1. Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
    Solution: Find all the UPROPERTY() at locations of error and add a Category domain. e.g. UPROPERTY(XXX, Category = "unrealcv")
  2. Error: use of undeclared identifier 'ECameraProjectionMode'.
    Solution: Follow #195
  3. Error: declaration shadow.
    Solution: Change enum Error to $Anything in line 34, Public/Server/ExecStatus.h and modify corresponding enums in Private/Server/ExecStatus.cpp

By the way, I hope my temporary solution doesn't cause any potential runtime malfunction. @qiuwch

My temporary solution to fix build error in branch 4.27:

  1. Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
    Solution: Find all the UPROPERTY() at locations of error and add a Category domain. e.g. UPROPERTY(XXX, Category = "unrealcv")
  2. Error: use of undeclared identifier 'ECameraProjectionMode'.
    Solution: Follow #195
  3. Error: declaration shadow.
    Solution: Change enum Error to $Anything in line 34, Public/Server/ExecStatus.h and modify corresponding enums in Private/Server/ExecStatus.cpp

By the way, I hope my temporary solution doesn't cause any potential runtime malfunction. @qiuwch

Thanks, able to build and run in windows for UE4.27. So far have no issue to use unrealcv command during play mode.

Hi, Referring to the following pages....,I tried to change those lines in the .h file where the error was reported.
Like in:
\Source\UnrealCV\Public\Sensor\CameraSensor\DepthCamSensor.h line 20 UPROPERTY(EditInstanceOnly)
to UPROPERTY(EditInstanceOnly, Category = BlueprintReadWrite).
And treat the other lines that report errors in the same way.
I don't know much about the UE4 functions, but I just did it first and it worked. Maybe it will lead to more unexpected bugs.
Hope it works for you, and if you figure out why it works, please let me know, thanks.

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • UE4 Version:4.27
  • UnrealCV Version: cloned from branch 4.27 seems like v0.3.10
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): 3.10
  • Problem Description: Build Failed Exited with code 6

Log.txt UBT-UE4Editor-Win64-Development.txt

Hello, have you solve this problem now?

Hello friend from the internet. For your convenience, I created a PR that does the updates mentioned by @Ericgeese. I updated for error 1 and 2, but not for 3, as I did not encounter it. Here is the PR: #234

@Ericgeese I have merged your suggestion in the latest branch 4.27-stable, and this branch can be successfully built with the automation tool. Thanks for your contribution!