
Getting vertex position of skeletal mesh

alinamuneer opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Operating System: linux
  • UE4 Version: UE4.21.2
  • UnrealCV Version: latest
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): python3
  • Problem Description:
    I would like to get the vertex positions of my cloth mesh that is moving with wind continuously, while I save the image of that instance of the scene respectively.

The command vget /object/{obj_name}/vertices in the latest branch 4.27-stable may meet your requirement. For your convenience, the following is an example function to process the string return into a list:

    def get_vertex_locations(obj):
        res = client.request(f'vget /object/{obj}/vertices')
        lines = res.split('\n')
        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
        vertex_locations = [list(map(float, line.split())) for line in lines]
        return vertex_locations