This is a 3DS NUS downloader written in Python 3(.6). It uses my own CIAGEN, completely written from scratch to create CIAs from CDN content. 3DS-NUSD can even create tickets from encrypted title keys.
It uses the requests
module, so you'll need to install it with e.g. pip.
"CIAGEN" can create CIAs from cetk + tmd + contents completely in Python without make_cdn_cia. It can also unpack a CIA to its CDN contents!
Related project: PyNUSD
- Downloads 3DS titles from the Nintendo Update Server
- NOTE: Only unblocked titles (e.g. system stuff) can be downloaded
- Packs them as valid CIAs
- Also accepts encrypted title keys
- Supports CDN mirrors through the --base parameter
- Uses my own CIAGEN, completely tested, verified and written from scratch
- Can be used as independent library
- Creates valid CIAs
- Verifies Signature (place root-key in the same directory)
- Doesn't modify the original TMD and contents
usage: [-h] [--nopack] [--deletecontents] [--key ENCRYPTED_KEY]
[--onlyticket] [--cdn] [--base BASE_URL]
titleid [titleversion]
positional arguments:
titleid Title ID
titleversion Title version (default: Latest)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nopack Do not generate CIA.
--deletecontents Do not keep contents.
--key ENCRYPTED_KEY Encrypted title key for Ticket generation.
--onlyticket Only create the ticket, don't store anything.
--cdn Store contents like on CDN (without version directory)
--base BASE_URL Base URL for CDN download
- Use Structs (already in CIAGEN)
- Improve Struct code (for e.g. ticket template and reading from binary)
- More Error handling and retrying
- Improve error handling in CIAGEN, especially for certificates and too short tmds/tickets
- Support for decrypting & SHA256 verify (via decTitleKeys.bin?)
- uselocal parameter (needs SHA256 verifying)
- GUI?
- Daeken for original
- ps3hen for make_cdn_cia
- profi200 & contributors for makerom