
Configuration of Void Linux on my Thinkpad™ T450s

Primary LanguageShell

Configuration of Void Linux on my Thinkpad™ T450S



What's included

  • Configurations for sway, mako, waybar, qutebrowser, foot, zsh, fzf, ranger, rifle, zathura, fonts, etc
  • Crazy fast terminal tiling thanks to foot's server mode
  • File based music player daemon (shmus)
  • Screenshot script for sway with selection, display, window, and OCR capture support
  • XDG replaced with rifle for files, uses $BROWSER for links
  • Cross compatible login shell profiles (theoretically at least)
  • Vanilla zsh configuration (OMZ is slow) with powerlevel10k, vim binds, mode indicators, and somewhat long hist file (Sometimes I forget an obscure command I write once in a while)
  • Caps and escape swapped in sway and even vts! (Set in zshrc, requires loadkeys setuid: security implications unknown)
  • Exa for ls (Just cause)
  • Quick XBPS alias (Also zsh only)
  • CMake projects auto install to local prefix (so you don't have to sudo make install every goddamn program)
  • Other completely random zsh alias (Including youtube-dl audio extractor, rot13, vv for sudo vim with env, etc etc)
  • Udisksctl based mounting (Via over-engineered umt script and unfitting mnt alias)


Neomutt config