Adopt your perfect companion. A web app to find your perfect furry friend.
Go to site
Got lost? Read the QuickStart section.
git clone
cd second-chance
npm install -g pnpm
or read the docs here
pnpm install
Example .env.local
cp .env.example .env.local
Write this into .env.local
variable inside .env.local
file to point to the correct endpoint.
pnpm run dev
Go to localhost:4000
This project uses the Vitesse template for a quick start.
- Vue 3
- Vite (for bundling)
- Pinia (for state management)
- UnoCSS (Tailwind CSS alternative)
- Vitest (Testing library)
- SSG (Static Site Generation)
- TypeScript
- Vue Router
- Vue Query (for data fetching and caching)
- Headless UI (for accessible components)
- Heroicons
- GitHub Actions (for CI/CD)
- GitHub Pages (for deployment)
- Axios (for HTTP requests)
- ESLint and Prettier (for code formatting and linting)
Project is deployed using GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions. Deployment is triggered on every push to main
- Better dark mode support (some styles are broken)
- Consistent colors (create branding colors)
- Filter dogs by location
- Search dogs closer to your location, using the browser's geolocation API
- Use route's query params to filter dogs
- Send email to user when they got a match
- Be more user friendly when there are no dogs to show
- More alert notifications when something goes wrong
- Add more tests
Carlos Aguilera - @unscatty