
Adds css stylesheet loading to RaveJS based on file extensions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adds css style sheet loading to rave.js based on file extensions.

By default, rave-load-css loads and injects a style sheet when it detects the following file extension:


You can change this list by adding a loadCss rave env property. For example, to detect ".less" and ".css-theme" extensions, add the following to your app's bower.json or package.json:

	"rave": {
		"env": {
			"loadCss": {
				"extensions": [ "less", "css-theme" ]


Importing a css stylsheet is easy. Just import it as if it were a module.

For CommonJS/node-formatted modules (or AMD-wrapped CommonJS):

var overrides = require('./override-theme.css');
overrides.insertRule('p { text-weight: 200; }', overrides.rules.length);

For classic AMD modules:

define(['./override-theme.css'], function (overrides) {
	overrides.insertRule('p { text-weight: 200; }', overrides.rules.length);

For ES6-formatted modules:

import overrides from './override-theme.css';
// ...
overrides.insertRule('p { text-weight: 200; }', overrides.rules.length);