
Development tools in Amber

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Unsere Gelder Tools

Web development tools for manipulating budget data

Getting Started

Install Amber and create an Amber project, as shown in Amber Instructions.

Use UnsereGelderTools as a library in a client project

If not already present, create a client project in an empty directory with amber init.

In a client project, run

npm install UnsereGelderTools --save
grunt devel
amber serve

Go to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser and in all packages that use UnsereGelderTools, add 'amber-unseregeldertools/UnsereGelderTools' to the package imports, save the change and commit the package. Reload.


To bring project alive (for example after git clone):

npm run init

Developing the project (after brought alive):

Start server with amber serve and go to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser and follow the instructions