Ego Shopping Website



I spent a month creating this e-commerce site project. Theoretically, this website can handle hundreds of millions of traffic at the same time. In China, this level of e-commerce platform has many, such as Tmall, JD or PDD. Of course, this kind of project is still far from the leading enterprises. I can't implement more details on my own in such a short time. This project mainly focuses on providing Service-Oriented Architecture and an example of handling high traffic volume.I hoped that some small and medium-sized projects can be solved after knowing this e-commerce project. Unlike today's popular Microserver Architecture, this project is essentially a distributed project which is friendly to some architect beginners. Welcome to have a discussion about it.

This repository contains:

  1. The specification for how a standard e-commerce architecture should look.
  2. How different modules interact with each other.
  3. General ideas about why we use these techniques for implementations.
  4. Simple introduction of e-commerce architecture.

Ego website is temporarily shutdown for the reason that I do not want to maintain server's fee.

Table of Contents

Background Introduction

E-commerce architecture

B2B Architecture : Business-to-business (B2B or, in some countries, BtoB) e.g. Alibaba

B2C Architecture : Business-to-client e.g. JD, Tmall, Amazon, WayFair

C2C Architecture : Client-to-Client e.g. Ebay, XianYu

O2O Architecture : Online-to-Offline e.g. MeiTuan, Elema

Technology selection

JQuery Spring Data
EasyUI Spring Security
SpringBoot HttpClient
SpringMVC RestTemplate
MyBatis MyBatis PageHelper
Dubbo FastDFS-Java-Client
Druid LogBack
MyBatis Generator

Developed Environment

Environment Version
Maven 3.6.3
Linux(Centos) 8.0.1
Itellij 11.0.6
Zookeeper 3.5.5
FastDFS 5.0.8
Nginx 1.16.1
Solr 8.2.0
RabbitMQ 3.7.17
Redis 5.0.5
MyCat 1.6
MySQL 5.7.27
Tomcat 9.0.38

Functional module division

Split according to the function module and divide the functions that need to be completed into the following items.

Remember: Only an architecture demo, not real world website


There are totally 10 servers

Server_1 : Zookeeper (

Server_2 : FastDFS (

Server_3 : Redis (

Server_4 : RabbitMQ (

Server_5 : Solr (

Server_7 : MySQL Master (

Server_8 : MySQL Salve1 (

Server_9 : MySQL Salve2 (

Server_10 : MyCat (

Zookeeper and Eureka can both be used as service registry center.