
Custom formatters for TSLint

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Custom TSLint Formatters

A collection of custom TSLint formatters. With colors.

Included Formatters


Prints a block for each file with the file name as headline, followed by a summary.

custom tslint formatter grouped

Errors are printed as error: row:column <error>, warnings are printed as warning: row:column <warning>.

Errors are in red, warnings in yellow.


This is a technical formatter that can be used as input for a task in Visual Studio Code to lint all files in a project.

vscode lint task


First add a new npm task to your package.json:

  "lint:vscode": "tslint -s node_modules/custom-tslint-formatters/formatters -t vscode 'src/**/*.+(ts|tsx)'"

Then add a new task to .vscode/tasks.json:

  "version": "0.1.0",
  "command": "npm",
  "isShellCommand": true,
  "showOutput": "always",
  "suppressTaskName": true,
  "tasks": [
      "taskName": "lint",
      "args": ["run", "lint:vscode"],
      "problemMatcher": {
        "owner": "tslint",
        "fileLocation": ["relative", "${workspaceRoot}"],
        "severity": "warning",
        "pattern": {
          "regexp": "^\\[tslint\\] (.*):(\\d+):(\\d+):\\s+(.*)$",
          "file": 1,
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3,
          "message": 4
      "showOutput": "never"


npm install custom-tslint-formatters --save-dev


On the commandline specify the formatters directory with -s and the formatter with -t (see list of formatters above):

tslint -s node_modules/custom-tslint-formatters/formatters -t grouped src/**/*.ts

For tslint-loader add a tslint configuration block to your webpack config specifying the formattersDirectory as well as the formatter (see list of formatters above):

module.exports = {
  module: {
    preLoaders: [
        test: /\.ts$/,
        loader: "tslint"
  tslint: {
    formattersDirectory: 'node_modules/custom-tslint-formatters/formatters',
    formatter: 'grouped'