
An analysis of SFPD incidents from 2003 to 2018

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

SFPD Incidents (more organized)

John Cabiles 3/30/2019

Created Local Branch by Daniel Garcia 07/19/20


This is an analysis of a dataset of SFPD incidents between 2003 and 2018. Every police incident was recorded and uploaded onto the SFPD incident database. Below is a preview of the dataset.

The Dataset

The dataset can be acquired using this link to the San Francisco County website.

## # A tibble: 10 x 22
##    IncidntNum Category Description DayOfWeek Date       Time  PdDistrict
##         <int> <chr>    <chr>       <fct>     <date>     <tim> <chr>     
##  1  150060275 non-cri… lost prope… Monday    2015-01-19 5040… MISSION   
##  2  150098210 robbery  robbery, b… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  3  150098210 assault  aggravated… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  4  150098210 seconda… domestic v… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  5  150098226 vandali… malicious … Tuesday   2015-01-27 6840… NORTHERN  
##  6  150098232 non-cri… aided case… Sunday    2015-02-01 5886… RICHMOND  
##  7  150098248 seconda… domestic v… Saturday  2015-01-31 7560… BAYVIEW   
##  8  150098248 vandali… malicious … Saturday  2015-01-31 7560… BAYVIEW   
##  9  150098254 burglary burglary o… Saturday  2015-01-31 5814… CENTRAL   
## 10  150098260 larceny… petty thef… Saturday  2015-01-31 6120… CENTRAL   
## # ... with 15 more variables: Resolution <chr>, Address <chr>, X <dbl>,
## #   Y <dbl>, Location <chr>, PdId <dbl>, Month <ord>, Year <dbl>,
## #   PersonalCrime <chr>, PropertyCrime <chr>, InchoateCrime <chr>,
## #   StatutoryCrime <chr>, AutoCrime <chr>, TheftCrime <chr>,
## #   DrugCrime <chr>


Incidents by Category

## # A tibble: 39 x 3
##    Category        Count Frequency
##    <chr>           <int>     <dbl>
##  1 larceny/theft  480448      0.22
##  2 other offenses 309358      0.14
##  3 non-criminal   238323      0.11
##  4 assault        194694      0.09
##  5 vehicle theft  126602      0.06
##  6 drug/narcotic  119628      0.05
##  7 vandalism      116059      0.05
##  8 warrants       101379      0.05
##  9 burglary        91543      0.04
## 10 suspicious occ  80444      0.04
## # ... with 29 more rows

Incidents by Description

## # A tibble: 915 x 3
##    Description                            Count Frequency
##    <chr>                                  <int>     <dbl>
##  1 grand theft from locked auto          178836      0.08
##  2 lost property                          77956      0.04
##  3 battery                                67654      0.03
##  4 stolen automobile                      64763      0.03
##  5 drivers license, suspended or revoked  62534      0.03
##  6 aided case, mental disturbed           56313      0.03
##  7 warrant arrest                         56230      0.03
##  8 suspicious occurrence                  52490      0.02
##  9 petty theft from locked auto           51946      0.02
## 10 petty theft of property                46114      0.02
## # ... with 905 more rows

Incidents by Resolution

## # A tibble: 17 x 3
##    Resolution                               Count Frequency
##    <chr>                                    <int>     <dbl>
##  1 none                                   1389500      0.63
##  2 arrest, booked                          524979      0.24
##  3 arrest, cited                           154789      0.07
##  4 located                                  34463      0.02
##  5 psychopathic case                        29185      0.01
##  6 unfounded                                23799      0.01
##  7 juvenile booked                          14158      0.01
##  8 complainant refuses to prosecute          8089      0   
##  9 district attorney refuses to prosecute    7955      0   
## 10 not prosecuted                            7720      0   
## 11 juvenile cited                            6587      0   
## 12 prosecuted by outside agency              5070      0   
## 13 exceptional clearance                     4258      0   
## 14 juvenile admonished                       3004      0   
## 15 juvenile diverted                          694      0   
## 16 cleared-contact juvenile for more info     689      0   
## 17 prosecuted for lesser offense               85      0

Resolutions: Which Incidents Are Getting Resolved?

Top 3 Resolutions

As seen above, for 94% of the incidents, either someone was arrested (and they were booked or cited) or nothing happened. If we subset the data to show only that 94% of records, we can find trends in what Categories and Descriptions led to an arrest or led to no resolution.

## # A tibble: 2,069,268 x 22
##    IncidntNum Category Description DayOfWeek Date       Time  PdDistrict
##         <int> <chr>    <chr>       <fct>     <date>     <tim> <chr>     
##  1  150060275 non-cri… lost prope… Monday    2015-01-19 5040… MISSION   
##  2  150098210 robbery  robbery, b… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  3  150098210 assault  aggravated… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  4  150098210 seconda… domestic v… Sunday    2015-02-01 5670… TENDERLOIN
##  5  150098226 vandali… malicious … Tuesday   2015-01-27 6840… NORTHERN  
##  6  150098232 non-cri… aided case… Sunday    2015-02-01 5886… RICHMOND  
##  7  150098248 seconda… domestic v… Saturday  2015-01-31 7560… BAYVIEW   
##  8  150098248 vandali… malicious … Saturday  2015-01-31 7560… BAYVIEW   
##  9  150098254 burglary burglary o… Saturday  2015-01-31 5814… CENTRAL   
## 10  150098260 larceny… petty thef… Saturday  2015-01-31 6120… CENTRAL   
## # ... with 2,069,258 more rows, and 15 more variables: Resolution <chr>,
## #   Address <chr>, X <dbl>, Y <dbl>, Location <chr>, PdId <dbl>,
## #   Month <ord>, Year <dbl>, PersonalCrime <chr>, PropertyCrime <chr>,
## #   InchoateCrime <chr>, StatutoryCrime <chr>, AutoCrime <chr>,
## #   TheftCrime <chr>, DrugCrime <chr>
## # A tibble: 117 x 4
##    Category       Resolution      Count Frequency
##    <chr>          <chr>           <int>     <dbl>
##  1 larceny/theft  none           437927      0.21
##  2 non-criminal   none           184858      0.09
##  3 vehicle theft  none           115980      0.06
##  4 other offenses arrest, booked 115910      0.06
##  5 assault        none           113747      0.05
##  6 vandalism      none           101890      0.05
##  7 drug/narcotic  arrest, booked  97961      0.05
##  8 other offenses arrest, cited   95235      0.05
##  9 warrants       arrest, booked  93092      0.04
## 10 other offenses none            87844      0.04
## # ... with 107 more rows

Incident Categories that led to arrests


Description of incidents that led to arrest

## # A tibble: 607 x 5
##    Category     Description                   Resolution   Count Frequency
##    <chr>        <chr>                         <chr>        <int>     <dbl>
##  1 warrants     warrant arrest                arrest, boo… 51593      0.1
##  2 other offen… drivers license, suspended o… arrest, cit… 48096      0.09
##  3 warrants     enroute to outside jurisdict… arrest, boo… 27055      0.05
##  4 other offen… traffic violation             arrest, cit… 26753      0.05
##  5 other offen… probation violation           arrest, boo… 16718      0.03
##  6 drug/narcot… possession of narcotics para… arrest, boo… 16250      0.03
##  7 other offen… resisting arrest              arrest, boo… 15333      0.03
##  8 drug/narcot… possession of base/rock coca… arrest, boo… 13159      0.03
##  9 other offen… drivers license, suspended o… arrest, boo… 12966      0.03
## 10 other offen… traffic violation arrest      arrest, boo… 12921      0.02
## # ... with 597 more rows

Let's look at the description of plots that appear in the top 5 categories that led to arrests: * other offenses

  • drug/narcotic

  • warrants

  • assault

  • larceny/theft



Incident Categories that led to no resolution

## # A tibble: 554 x 5
##    Category     Description                    Resolution  Count Frequency
##    <chr>        <chr>                          <chr>       <int>     <dbl>
##  1 larceny/the… grand theft from locked auto   none       177063      0.14
##  2 non-criminal lost property                  none        77099      0.06
##  3 vehicle the… stolen automobile              none        59708      0.05
##  4 larceny/the… petty theft from locked auto   none        50552      0.04
##  5 suspicious … suspicious occurrence          none        48502      0.04
##  6 assault      battery                        none        45426      0.04
##  7 larceny/the… petty theft of property        none        44776      0.04
##  8 vandalism    malicious mischief, vandalism… none        40500      0.03
##  9 vandalism    malicious mischief, vandalism  none        40466      0.03
## 10 non-criminal found property                 none        29057      0.02
## # ... with 544 more rows


Throughout the Years: How have incidents changed over the years?

Change in Category over Time

## # A tibble: 609 x 4
##     Year Category      Count Frequency
##    <dbl> <chr>         <int>     <dbl>
##  1  2017 larceny/theft 47826      0.02
##  2  2015 larceny/theft 42068      0.02
##  3  2016 larceny/theft 40449      0.02
##  4  2014 larceny/theft 38003      0.02
##  5  2013 larceny/theft 36412      0.02
##  6  2012 larceny/theft 30976      0.01
##  7  2006 larceny/theft 27352      0.01
##  8  2003 larceny/theft 26393      0.01
##  9  2011 larceny/theft 25905      0.01
## 10  2008 larceny/theft 25807      0.01
## # ... with 599 more rows

Descriptions of Larceny and Theft Incidents


Where does SFPD Go?

Incidents by Neighborhood

Heatmap of Incidents

Most Common Types of Incidents

Auto Crimes

Over Time

Theft Crimes Increasing

Theft Subcategories

Are drugs related?

What time are theft crimes happening?

Why have thefts been increasing since 2010?

  • External datasets: population in SF since 2010, day population since 2010, legislation changes in SF since 2010