
Negative sentiment Analysis of 2020 US presidential election Candidates_Tweets

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Sentiment Analysis on 2020 US presidential Election Candidates using Twitter Data.

Data Information: Tweets from 1 Republican Party candidate(Donald Trump) and 3 Democrat Party candidates(Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders)
Question: Which Candidate is more negative on which topic?
Method: Word Embedding Model(FastText), Gru-LSTM-CNN model

Number of the data

There are total of 11762 tweets. This might seem like a lot of data, but actually relatively small data compared to those which is used in other machine learning projects.

  • Donald Trump: 3929 tweets
  • Elizabeth Warren: 3645 tweets
  • Bernie Sanders: 2681 tweets
  • Joe Biden: 1507 tweets


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