capstone-project-comp9900-w19b-echo created by GitHub Classroom
Installation Guide
For Backend
(1). Installing the database
1. Prepare an operating system - Ubuntu 18
2. Using command: sudo apt update; sudo apt install mysql-server
3. Using command: mysql -u root;
4. Running command in mysql: create user onpro@'%' on onpro. * identified by "root9900";
5. Running command in mysql: grant all privilege to onpro@'%';
6. Login MySQL with user onpro, running sql script "create_db.sql"
7. Login MySQL with user onpro, running sql script "create_table.sql"
(2) Running the backend
1. In the backend project folder (which contains pom.xml) using console command: man clean package, it will generate a package: backend-0.0.1-snapshot.war
2. Prepare an operating system - Ubuntu 18
3. Using Linux command: sudo install default-jre
4. Download tomcat8 from below link and unpack it to directory: /home/ubuntu/tomcat/apache-tomcat
5. Using scp software to upload backend-0.0.1-snapshot.war to Ubuntu path: /home/ubuntu/tomcat
6. Using command in Linux: mv /home/ubuntu/tomcat/backend-0.0.1-snap.war
7. Go to directory: /home/ubuntu/tomcat/apache-tomcat/bin, running script ". /"
For Frontend
(1) Running the frontend in development environment
1. Download node v14.13.1 from below link and install
2. Install Angular by below command:
npm install -g @angular/cli
3. Open command/terminal, go to folder OLP/frontend and type "npm install"
4. Open it by Java IDE Intellij or Eclipse - The project root folder is OLP
5. Install resource web server by downloading Apache Tomcat from the following link
6. Create a resources folder if it doesn’t exist in Tomcat installation folder “./apache-tomcat-9.0.39/webapps”
7. Update the environment.ts if it points to different backend server instead of the localhost
It defines the API backend endpoint. By default is http://localhost:8080/api.
It defines the resource web server which stores document and photo. It is set to http://localhost:8080 by default.
8. To start frontend, go to OLP/frontend folder in command/terminal and type "ng serve"
9. Once started, the URL http://localhost:4200/ would be accessible
10. Backend can be started in IDE as spring boot application as usual
(2) Running the frontend in production environment
1. Setup a development environment by above steps 1-3
2. Update the to the production backend server
It defines the API backend endpoint. By default it is http://localhost:8080/api.
It defines the resource web server which stores document and photo.
It is set to http://localhost:8080 by default.
3. Go to folder OLP/frontend and run the following command to compile the front end
ng build --prod --base-href /olp/
4. Create “olp” folder under ./apache-tomcat-9.0.39/webapps in prod server
5. Copy the files from ./OLP/frontend/dist/frontend to the “olp” folder created in step 4
6. Start up the tomcat in production server by running command ./ start
7. Once started, the URL http://localhost:8080/olp would be accessible in production server