
Class to wrap an HTTP response in a JSend Specification format

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Class to wrap an HTTP response in a JSend Specification format.

The status string (success, fail, error) is calculated along with the HTTP status code of the response:

  • If the status code is greater or equal to 500, status is set to error
  • If the status code is greater or equal to 400 and strictly lower to 500, status is set to fail
  • Otherwise, status is set to success

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yarn add @untemps/jsend-wrapper


Import JSendWrapper:

import { JSendWrapper } from '@untemps/jsend-wrapper'

Create an instance of JSendWrapper:

const jsend = new JSendWrapper()

Call the wrap method passing two mandatory and two optional arguments:

jsend.wrap([statusCode], [body], [errorCode], [errorData])

wrap Method Arguments

Parameter Type Description
statusCode number HTTP code of the response
body any Body of the response. Depending of the status (see below)
errorCode number (Optional) A numeric code corresponding to the error
errorData any (Optional) A generic container for any other information about the error

The body Argument

The type of the body argument depends on the status:

Status Type Description
success any Data returned by the HTTP request. If the call returns no data, data is set to null.
fail object Hash of key/value pairs explaining what went wrong in the HTTP request (validation, ...)
error string Meaningful, end-user-readable message, explaining the reason of the error

Formatted Result


    status: 'success',
    data: {
        post: {
            id: 1,
            title: 'A blog post',
            body: 'Some useful content'


    status: 'fail', 
    data: {
    	title: 'A title is required'


    status: 'error', 
    message: 'Unable to communicate with database'


A JSendError class is provided to help throwing specific JSend errors.

The constructor accepts either plain message, code, data arguments or a JSendResponse object:

import { JSendError } from '@untemps/jsend-wrapper'

throw new JSendError('HTTP Error', 500, { someValue: 42 })
throw new JSendError({ status: 'error', message: 'HTTP Error', code: 500, data: { someValue: 42 })


Besides the class wrapper, the lib exports the definitions for the response type (TJSendResponse) and the status enum (EJSendStatus).


status: EJSendStatus
data?: any
message?: string,
code?: number


SUCCESS = 'success'
FAIL = 'fail'
ERROR = 'error'

For more information about the JSend Spec, see the GitHub README here : https://github.com/omniti-labs/jsend