
Class wrapped around the SpeechRecognition Web API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Class wrapped around the SpeechRecognition Web API

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yarn add @untemps/vocal

Basic Usage

Import Vocal to a file.

import { Vocal } from '@untemps/vocal'

// Check whether SpeechRecognition, Permissions and MediaDevices interfaces are supported
if (!Vocal.isSupported()) {
  throw "Vocal is not supported"

// Create a Vocal instance (see below for all available option properties)
const options = {
    lang: 'fr-FR',
const vocal = new Vocal(options)

// Subscribe to Vocal instance events (see below for all available events)
vocal.addEventListener('speechstart', (event) => console.log('Vocal starts recording'))
vocal.addEventListener('speechend', (event) => console.log('Vocal stops recording'))
vocal.addEventListener('result', (event, result) => console.log('Vocal catches a result'))
vocal.addEventListener('error', (error) => throw error)

// Start recording

// Stop/Pause recording

// Abort recording entirely

// Remove all attached listeners and delete the Vocal instance


Options described below are those from the SpeechRecognition Web API.
Please this this section for more information.

Option Type Default Description
grammars SpeechGrammarList null Grammars understood by the recognition JSpeech Grammar Format
lang string 'en-US' Language understood by the recognition BCP 47 language tag
continuous boolean false Whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result
interimResults boolean false Whether interim results should be returned or not. Interim results are results that are not yet final
maxAlternatives number 1 Maximum number of SpeechRecognitionAlternatives provided per result
serviceURI string null Location of the speech recognition service used by the current SpeechRecognition to handle the actual recognition


Events described below are those from the SpeechRecognition Web API.
Please this this section for more information.

Event Description
audioend Fired when the user agent has finished capturing audio for recognition
audiostart Fired when the user agent has started to capture audio for recognition
end Fired when the recognition service has disconnected
error Fired when a recognition error occurs
nomatch Fired when the recognition service returns a final result with no significant recognition
result Fired when the recognition service returns a result
soundend Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has stopped being detected
soundstart Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has been detected
speechend Fired when speech recognized by the recognition service has stopped being detected
speechstart Fired when sound recognized by the recognition service as speech has been detected
start fired when the recognition service has begun listening to incoming audio