Class wrapped around the SpeechRecognition Web API
yarn add @untemps/vocal
Import Vocal
to a file.
import { Vocal } from '@untemps/vocal'
// Check whether SpeechRecognition, Permissions and MediaDevices interfaces are supported
if (!Vocal.isSupported()) {
throw "Vocal is not supported"
// Create a Vocal instance (see below for all available option properties)
const options = {
lang: 'fr-FR',
const vocal = new Vocal(options)
// Subscribe to Vocal instance events (see below for all available events)
vocal.addEventListener('speechstart', (event) => console.log('Vocal starts recording'))
vocal.addEventListener('speechend', (event) => console.log('Vocal stops recording'))
vocal.addEventListener('result', (event, result) => console.log('Vocal catches a result'))
vocal.addEventListener('error', (error) => throw error)
// Start recording
// Stop/Pause recording
// Abort recording entirely
// Remove all attached listeners and delete the Vocal instance
Options described below are those from the SpeechRecognition
Web API.
Please this this section for more information.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
grammars | SpeechGrammarList | null | Grammars understood by the recognition JSpeech Grammar Format |
lang | string | 'en-US' | Language understood by the recognition BCP 47 language tag |
continuous | boolean | false | Whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result |
interimResults | boolean | false | Whether interim results should be returned or not. Interim results are results that are not yet final |
maxAlternatives | number | 1 | Maximum number of SpeechRecognitionAlternatives provided per result |
serviceURI | string | null | Location of the speech recognition service used by the current SpeechRecognition to handle the actual recognition |
Events described below are those from the SpeechRecognition
Web API.
Please this this section for more information.
Event | Description |
audioend | Fired when the user agent has finished capturing audio for recognition |
audiostart | Fired when the user agent has started to capture audio for recognition |
end | Fired when the recognition service has disconnected |
error | Fired when a recognition error occurs |
nomatch | Fired when the recognition service returns a final result with no significant recognition |
result | Fired when the recognition service returns a result |
soundend | Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has stopped being detected |
soundstart | Fired when any sound — recognisable or not — has been detected |
speechend | Fired when speech recognized by the recognition service has stopped being detected |
speechstart | Fired when sound recognized by the recognition service as speech has been detected |
start | fired when the recognition service has begun listening to incoming audio |