Untill Driver API2 is a Java library containing API of unTill(r) Hospitality software drivers. Below is a brief description of API. This API is a part of Untill Driver DevKit which should be used for developing unTill(r) drivers and provides tools for driver building automation. More details on API classes can be found in Javadoc.
unTill(r) drivers are folders in UNTILL_HOME/plugins/drivers with at least one JAR-archive having Main-Class
declared in MANIFEST.MF file pointing to a class which implements IDriver
interface. Any other JARs in the same folder are automatically loaded and available to the driver classes.
Note that if driver is developed with UntillSDK, MANIFEST.MF creation is automated, as well as building driver distributive package including any other 3rd party JARs.
Drivers are configured in unTill(r) Backoffice, in Hardware/Computers/Devices section. Each driver may need some configuration parameters, like URL, timeout values, or whatever. Developer declares parameters for driver using method getParamsList()
which returns list of parameter definitions for this driver:
public class MyDriver implements IDriver {
public ArrayList<DriverParam> getParamsList() {
return DriverParam.list(
new DriverParam.Builder()
.title("Platform Address")
new DriverParam.Builder()
.title("Access Token")
To provide certain functionality which can be used by unTill(r) POS, driver must declare that it supports one or more interfaces derived from IDriverInterface
- IEft - for handling EFT operations (payments by cards).
- IBillsHandler - handling bill operations (bill closed, bill re-opened, proforma printed, bill re-printed).
- IFiscalPrinter - fiscal printer operations.
- IHotelInterface - connection to a hotel management systems.
- IFingerPrintReader - finger print reader interface.
- IHasPeriodicalTasks - implement to support periodical background tasks.
- IConfigurationValidation - implement if you need to additionally validate driver configuration before it is saved in backoffice.
- IPrepaidArticles - implement for handling pre-paid articles operations.
- IGuestNotifier - implement for handling guest notification
- ICustomBillsHandler - implement for handling custom bill operations (voucher purchase)
- ICashHandler - implement for handling cash operations (deposit, withdraw, initialization)
- IInvoiceHandler - implement for handling invoice operations (print, re-print, pay)
- IReportHandler - implement for handling report operations (print, re-print)
- ITimeAttendance - implement for handling time and attendance operations (clock in, end break)
- IPosPrinter - implement for handling POS printer operations (print, upload logo)
- IExportHandler - implement for handling exports
- ITablesHandler - implement for handling table events
Declaration of supported interfaces is made by init
method which is called at driver initialization stage. Driver must return a map of supported interfaces:
public Map<Class<? extends IDriverInterface>, IDriverInterface> init(
IDriverContext context) {
IHotelInterface hotel = new MyHotelInterface(context);
IBillsHandler bills = new MyBillsHandler(context);
return DriverInterfaces.map(IHotelInterface.class, hotel,
IBillsHandler.class, bills);
Depending on interfaces provided by driver, unTill(r) POS calls corresponding interface methods in appropriate cases.
unTill(r) POS loads and creates one instance of the driver, calling it's methods when POS needs to handle certain operation. It is possible that methods of your driver called from different threads, thus you must take care that your driver is thread safe, if needed:
public EftResult operation(DriverConfiguration cfg, EftRequest request) {
String comPort = cfg.getParams().getOrDefault(PARAM_COMPORT, "com1");
return sendRequest(comPort, request);
private synchronized EftResult sendRequest(String comPort,
EftRequest request) {
// TODO: thread-safe method body
When developer expects some requests to be executed for a long time, IDriverProgress may be used for displaying execution progress and response to user "Cancel" action.
Method finit()
called just before driver is unloaded and unTill(r) JServer stopped. Put any code here to free allocated resources used by your driver, close opened connections, etc.
Use instance of IDriverLogger
for logging:
package com.untill.drivers.mypackage;
public class MyDriver implements IDriver, IHotelInterface {
private IDriverLogger log;
public Map<Class<? extends IDriverInterface>, IDriverInterface> init(
IDriverContext context) {
this.log = context.getLogger(MyDriver.class);
return DriverInterfaces.map(IHotelInterface.class, this);
public GetHotelGuestResult getGuests(DriverConfiguration cfg, GetHotelGuestRequest request) {
log.trace("getGuests started");
try {
} finally {
log.trace("getGuests finished");
To set up logging level, add line(s) in <UNTILL_HOME>/log4j.properties file:
If unTill(r) doesn't receive answer from driver in 90 seconds, this call is cancelled and error shown in unTill. Driver developer should take care that functions doesn’t consume more time, and any communication from driver to external interface also finishes before timeout reached. Otherwise it may happen that unTill ends with timeout and starts new request, and driver is still busy with previous call.
With IDriverContext.getAbsolutePath
method you request full path to the file from your driver's directory:
File keystore = new File(context.getAbsolutePath("keystore.jks"));
At any time driver may throw java.lang.RuntimeException
to indicate that there was an processing error. A POS operation will be interrupted and error message from exception object will be shown in POS.
unTill(r) API is an interface providing some additional predefined functionality. API can be obtained using IDriverContext.getApi
method. Below is the list of APIs available to drivers:
requesting system timezone;IUntillCurrencyApi
working with currency, getting main currency information;IUntillProformasApi
working with proformas;IUntillSystemNotificationsApi
sending POS notifications to unTill(r) users;IUntillBeverageControlApi
working with beverage control;IUntillCountriesApi
managing countries;IUntillClientsApi
managing clients;IUntillReservationsApi
managing reservations;IUntillDbStorageApi
allows to write/read data to/from DB;IUntillUsersApi
allows to read users from DB;IExportApi
allows to write the export result;
// Default JVM timezone is UTC, so we use IUntillTimeApi to request system timezone
UntillTimeApi time = context.getApi(IUntillTimeApi.class);
TimeZone tz = time.getSystemTimeZone();
Driver may include JUnit tests which are executed automatically when driver is being built by SDK.
Driver may also support so called "emulation mode" which is enabled in unTill by putting a line in UNTILL_HOME/untill.ini:
When this mode enabled, driver should emulate activity and return some predefined dummy results. This mode may be useful for making some tests before going live:
IDriverContext ctx;
public MyEft(IDriverContext ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
public EftResult operation(DriverConfiguration cfg, EftRequest request) {
if (request instanceof EftPaymentRequest) {
if (ctx.isEmulationModeEnabled())
return getEmulatedPaymentResult();
return handlePayment((EftPaymentRequest)request);
throw new RuntimeException("Request not supported");
provides method for reading some unTill(r) configuration properties:
String unTillVersion = context.getProperty(UntillProperties.UNTILL_VERSION);
String licenseUid = context.getProperty(UntillProperties.LICENSE_UID);