

Files which every package can have

  • errors.go, consts.go
  • utils.go // Helpers and potential candidates for goutils module
  • [lowered_type1]_string.go, [lowered_type2]_string.go // stringers output
  • internal // folder

Interface package

  • Example: pkg/ibus
  • interface.go
  • types.go // Public types with methods
    • types_events.go // If there are many types
    • types_schemes.go

Interface Implementation package

  • Example: pkg/ibusmem
    • provide.go
    • New() function
  • impl.go
    • impl_types.go // if needed
    • impl_errors.go // if needed
    • impl_myReceiver1.go
    • impl_mySuperReceiver1.go

Interface and Implementation files

  • Interface files + Interface Implementation files

Just a library

  • Example: cobrau
  • Interface and Implementation files // if library provides interface and implementation
  • <package-name>.go // if library is simple
  • <logical_subpackage1>.go, <logical_subpackage2>.go... // if library is complex

Package Structure: CLI Tool

  • ref dummytool
  • main.go
    • execRootCmd()
      • Use cobrau.PrepareRootCmd()
      • Return:
        • rootCmd.Execute()
        • or: cobrau.ExecCommandAndCatchInterrupt(rootCmd)
  • gorun.sh - a helper to run the main func
  • .go, .go...
  • deploy_test.go
    • testingu.RunRootTestCases(t, execRootCmd, testCases)
  • Use internal packages