Site similar to ToDo List but point can be change to count. Inspired by Microsoft TO DO.
Site went through gatsby and craco to vite, next generation frontend tooling.
npm start
yarn start
npm build
yarn build
- State manager is tested by Jest
- React Components are tested by Storybook
State manager is Redux write with Redux Toolkit
- mini - state containg simple value, all actions only assigns payload to new state
- lists - state containg all data about lists and point. Each list or point has unique ID and this is a core of selecting data
- Default language is TypeScript
- For style site use styled-components
- Storybook is write with TS
- Netlify Functions is write in GoLang
- Typescript - superset of JS with types
- React - main technology for write whole app
- Styled-components - for styling react app
- Redux - State manager
- Ramda - main helpers lib
- Jest - main testing technology
- Storybook - interface for testing components in separation
- vite - next generation frontend tooling
- faker - lib for create fake data
- react-icons - easiest way to dat icons to react app
- react-portal - lib for react portals
- uid - lib for create unique IDs