
Our main repo for the SCQ senior project.

Primary LanguagePython


Our main repo for the SCQ senior project.


Make sure you have python3 and gulp installed on your computer. Then run:

make build

This will install all of the pip modules as well as the


To run the server, make sure you have rethinkDB is up.

make serve

Installing (Hard Way):

We are using virtual environments to manage our dependencies and make sure they are the same between dev environments. If you don't have a virtualenv setup for this project, this is how to do it.

To setup virtualenvs in general on your computer, do the following:

brew install nodejs
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

To setup our specific environment:

mkvirtualenv scq

Whenever you are going to work on the project to ensure that we are all using the same dependencies:

workon scq

Add the following to ~/.bashrc (or zshrc if you use one):

source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Then source it (bashrc example below):

source ~/.bashrc

Then go to the project and run this command in your project directory to install the dependencies.

make build

you will likely be asked for sudo privileges to install all needed packages

Install rethinkdb:

On Mac:

brew update && brew install rethinkdb

On Linux:

Copy and past the entire codeblock:

source /etc/lsb-release && echo "deb http://download.rethinkdb.com/apt $DISTRIB_CODENAME main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rethinkdb.list
wget -qO- http://download.rethinkdb.com/apt/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rethinkdb


List user information

Test: PASS

GET /api/me


 Status: 200 OK
    "answers": [],
    "last_sign_in": 1456035511.3893418,
    "id": "7423c6be-2ce7-4f9a-882e-1130d21cf52b",
    "major3": "",
    "date_registered": 1455754947.062986,
    "gender": "Female",
    "created_surveys": ["d8e70e63-12bd-46b7-bd0e-a9758bc632fd"],
    "native_language": "English",
    "unanswered_surveys": ["d8e70e63-12bd-46b7-bd0e-a9758bc632fd"],
    "email": "sung.bae@colorado.edu",
    "survey_responses": [],
    "dob": "2016-02-03",
    "status": "Senior",
    "answered_surveys": [],
    "courses": ["1c406ea0-6b4a-437f-acc6-372e4a37ac6f"],
    "courses_taught": [],
    "ethnicity": "American Indian or Alaska Native",
    "major2": "Mathematics",
    "accepted_tos": true,
    "minor1": "",
    "departments": ["Computer Science"],
    "major4": "",
    "major1": "",
    "username": "suba8204",
    "primary_affiliation": ["Student"],
    "minor2": "",
    "registration": "registration_culdap"

Change user information

Test: PASS

POST /api/me

Parameter: Must be in JSON format, take a look at schema/sampleMe.json

Field Type Description
email String User's email must be Colorado domain (i.e. user@colorado.edu).
status String User's academic year (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior).
primary_affiliation String[] User's affiliation to CU (i.e. Student, Faculty, Student/Faulty).
dob String User's date of birth in the form of year-month-day.
native_language String User's native language.
gender String User's gender.
ethnicity String User's, ethnicity.
major1 String User's first major.
major2 String User's second major.
major3 String User's third major.
major4 String User's fourth major.
minor1 String User's first minor.
minor2 String User's second minor.
departments String[] User's departments.
courses String[] Courses taken by user.
courses_taught String[] Courses taught by user.


 Status: 200 OK
    "answers": [],
    "last_sign_in": 1456035511.3893418,
    "id": "7423c6be-2ce7-4f9a-882e-1130d21cf52b",
    "major3": "",
    "date_registered": 1455754947.062986,
    "gender": "Female",
    "created_surveys": ["d8e70e63-12bd-46b7-bd0e-a9758bc632fd"],
    "native_language": "English",
    "unanswered_surveys": ["d8e70e63-12bd-46b7-bd0e-a9758bc632fd"],
    "email": "sung.bae@colorado.edu",
    "survey_responses": [],
    "dob": "2016-02-03",
    "status": "Senior",
    "answered_surveys": [],
    "courses": ["1c406ea0-6b4a-437f-acc6-372e4a37ac6f"],
    "courses_taught": [],
    "ethnicity": "American Indian or Alaska Native",
    "major2": "Mathematics",
    "accepted_tos": true,
    "minor1": "",
    "departments": ["Computer Science"],
    "major4": "",
    "major1": "",
    "username": "suba8204",
    "primary_affiliation": ["Student"],
    "minor2": "",
    "registration": "registration_culdap"

 Note: It did not update my information, instead it just gave back my old information.

Display surveys taken by user

Test: PASS

GET /api/surveys


Status: 200 OK
    "creator_id": "3a1ae272-8eea-4dd5-8ba8-1d1aee042a8c",
    "created_timestamp": 1456181796.9387083,
    "responses": [],
    "item_id": "1d1eda7f-9f53-42e3-b030-5e1977c354e1",
    "id": "36057d08-dfe2-44a7-a368-29b19fd89bdc",
    "closed_timestamp": null,
    "deleted": false,
    "questions": [
        "id": "5839dadf-d840-4973-be35-e66903e7ade0",
        "title": "nam illud quidem adduci vix possum, ut ea, quae senserit ille, tibi non vera videantur.",
        "response_format": "multipleChoice",
        "options": [
        "id": "ca88eae6-8200-4307-b465-bef63c54bad3",
        "title": "Nec vero, ut noster Lucilius, recusabo, quo minus omnes mea legant.",
        "response_format": "trueOrFalse",
        "options": [
        "id": "27fe2556-5a91-490a-9481-1aa7729f2d6d",
        "title": "Qui autem alia malunt scribi a nobis, aequi esse debent, quod et scripta multa sunt, sic ut plura nemini e nostris, et scribentur fortasse plura, si vita suppetet; et tamen, qui diligenter haec, quae de philosophia litteris mandamus, legere assueverit, iudicabit nulla ad legendum his esse potiora.",
        "response_format": "rating",
        "options": []
        "id": "41ff5241-0ec2-4849-a608-45e48f6e7707",
        "title": "Contra quos omnis dicendum breviter existimo.",
        "response_format": "trueOrFalse",
        "options": [
    "item_name": "test_course",
    "item_type": "Course",
    "creator_name": "suba8204"

Create/update user's survey questions.

Test: PASS

POST /api/surveys

Parameter: Must be in JSON format, take a look at schema/sampleSurvey.json

Field Type Description
id String Required. Id of the survey.
item_id String Required. Id of item (i.e. Course, Instructor, User).
item_type String Required. Types can be of the following: Instructor, Course, User.
item_name String[] Required. The name for the survey.
creator_id String Required. User's id associated to account.
creator_name String Required. User's name.
questions String[] Required. Questions must be a contain a list with title, response_format, and options.
title String Required. This is the actual question itself (i.e. Did you like this course?).
response_format String Required. Types of responses are: trueOrFalse, multipleChoice, freeResponse, etc.
options String[] Required. If it is a multipleChoice question, you must provide the options.


Status: 200 OK

Answer user's questions to a survey

Test: PASS

POST /api/response

Parameter: Must be in JSON format, take a look at schema/sampleResponse.json

Field Type Description
responder_id String Required. User's id associated with to account.
survey_id String Required. Survey id associated to User's survey.
question_responses String[] Required. User's answers to the survey questions.


Status: 200

Refresh user's cookie

Test: PASS

GET /api/refresh


Status: 200 OK