
easy headers, inspired by the tidy data specification

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


tidy_headers stores metadata in beautifully readable plain text headers.


For some filepath,

import collections
import tidy_headers
meta = collections.OrderedDict()
meta['date'] = '2017-11-10'
meta['location'] = 'Madison, Wisconsin, USA'
meta['name'] = ['batch', 'apples', 'pineapple', 'oregano', 'tomatoes']
tidy_headers.write(filepath, meta)

To get the dictionary back, simply read:

meta = tidy_headers.read(filepath)


See the examples directory for more:


using pip

pip install tidy_headers

using conda

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install tidy_headers

allowed values

tidy_headers strives to write plain text headers in an unambiguous way such that an identical metadata dictionary can be generated using read. This process is only reliable for the following subset of python types:

  • str
  • int
  • float
  • list containing any combination of the above
  • numpy.ndarray (arbitrary size and dimensionality)

Metadata dictionaries containing only these types are guaranteed to read and write succesfully.