
Development Environment Setup for Exercism Website via Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Exercism Docker Environment

Setup exercism.io for development using Docker and docker-compose.


$ git clone git@github.com:unused/exercism-docker.git # Download this repository
$ cd exercism-docker # Change directory
$ make # Run the setup steps via Makefile
$ make init # One-time initialization (database migration)

Note: The prepared setup steps will use a pre-built Docker image from unused/exercism_rails but you can also build the image yourself using make build.

Setup Steps

Requires some basic knowledge about Docker and a Docker installation.

Note: The setup is described for a unix-like operating system, if you have any troubles please feel free to open an issue.

$ echo "host" > server_identity # Set server identity file
$ docker-compose up # Start the local development environment
$ docker-compose exec rails bin/rails exercism:setup # Setup database and git repos

$ docker-compose down # Remove local environment
$ docker rmi exercism_rails # Cleanup build docker image

Setup without using Docker

To setup a local development environment you'll have either to prepare your local system with a ruby environment (ruby, rubygems, bundler) and JavaScript runtime nodejs include package manager yarn. The projects README will provide you with all background information needed.

Contribution Guide

# Fork https://github.com/exercism/website
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:<your-github-username>/website.git
$ git checkout -b <short-descriptive-branch-name> # create a new branch
# ... do some changes
$ make test # check tests
$ git push origin <short-descriptive-branch-name> # push your changes

Create a pull request on GitHub and

Update Your Fork

Rebasing your fork with the upstream repository.

$ git rebase upstream/master # update your master branch on demand


If you use selinux like I do, you have to adapt the volume in the docker-compose.yml and add the selinux-flag ./workspace/:/opt/rails/:Z.