
Adds an entry to open urxvt in the current path to Dolphin's File Manager contextual menu

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Adds an entry to open urxvt in the current path to Dolphin's File Manager contextual menu.


Place openUrxvtHere.desktop in the KDE5 services folder, generally ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ (for user service menus) or /usr/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ (for system service menus). You can check the services path by running kf5-config --path services. To reload the entries without rebooting/logging off and on again, run kbuildsycoca5 as your regular user.

Entry name

By default, the menu entry will read "Open Terminal Here". You can change this by editing the Name variable.


I'm using an icon from the Oxygen's icon set. You can change it by editing the Icon variable.