Regions: 🇯🇵
This Alexa sample skill is a template for a basic trivia skill. Provided a list of interesting questions about a topic, Alexa will select a question at random and ask it of the user when the skill is invoked.
To Get Started click the button below:
Or click here for instructions using the ASK CLI (command line interface).
- Amazon Developer Forums - Join the conversation!
- - See what others are building with Alexa.
- Voice Design Guide - A great resource for learning conversational and voice user interface design.
- Codecademy: Learn Alexa - Learn how to build an Alexa Skill from within your browser with this beginner friendly tutorial on Codecademy!
- Official Alexa Skills Kit Node.js SDK - The Official Node.js SDK Documentation
- Official Alexa Skills Kit Documentation - Official Alexa Skills Kit Documentation