
An instant messaging app with video chat capabilities. There is work to do on the ui/ux because honestly those weren't our top priority. This is more of a playground for experimenting with web technologies we are not particulary familiar with like webrtc. We are planning to add webauthn as an auth mechanism and replace the websocket protocol with the new webtransport protocol(i am not sure i can do this with nodejs though).

General arthitecture

Server doesn't do much, We only used it for auth, relaying the messages from one client to the another and as a signaling server for the webrtc. Messages are stored on the browser using indexedDB and as such there is security implications, I think when we add the webauthn we can use the generated keys for the encrypting and decrypting. There is a DB class which extends the EventTarget so that i can listen for incoming messages from anywhere in my codebase.

Trying out the app

Install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Starting the server:

cd apps/server
pnpm migrate:dev
pnpm dev

Starting the client:

cd apps/client
pnpm dev

And go to /app/chats