
API client for Java integration with Unzer Merchant Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Unzer Java Payment SDK

This SDK provides for an easy way to connect to the Unzer Rest API.


Java 1.8 or later.




Documentation is available at https://docs.unzer.com/server-side-integration/java-sdk-integration/.

SDK Overview

Unzer class

The Unzer class is instantiated using your private or public key:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

You can inject a custom implementation of the http-network communication into the Unzer constructor. For implementing a custom communication stack, you have to subclass the AbstractUnzerRestCommunication class together with a UnzerHttpRequest. For an example please refer to the reference implementation HttpClientBasedRestCommunication.

Authorize or Charge a payment

The first step is to create a Payment Type and then do an authorize or charge for this Payment Type

Example for Authorize

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

// Already created the payment type using our Javascript or Mobile SDK's
Authorization authorize = unzer.authorize(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), "s-crd-fm7tifzkqewy", new URL("https://www.unzer.com"));

// Without a payment type created before
Card card = new Card("4444333322221111", "12/19");
Authorization authorize2 = unzer.authorize(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), card, new URL("https://www.unzer.com"));

Example for Charge

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

// Already created the payment type using our Javascript or Mobile SDK's
Charge charge = unzer.charge(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), "s-sft-fm7tifzkqewy", new URL("https://www.unzer.com"));

// Without a payment type created before
Charge charge2 = unzer.charge(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), new Sofort(), new URL("https://www.unzer.com"));

As a result for authorize or charge an Authorization or Charge object will be returned which contains a reference to a Payment object.

Payment status

To query the status of a payment you can fetch the Payment:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

Payment payment = unzer.fetchPayment(authorize.getPayment().getId());

Charge after Authorize

If you started the payment with an authorize (reservation) then you can do a Charge based on this Authorization. There are different options to Charge after an Authorization:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

// Charge using Authorize object
Authorization authorization = unzer.fetchAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Charge charge = authorization.charge();

// Charge using Payment object
Payment payment = unzer.fetchPayment("s-pay-1");
Charge charge2 = payment.charge();

// Charge using Unzer object
Charge charge3 = unzer.chargeAuthorization("s-pay-1");

Cancel an Authorize

Cancelling a payment after authorization. There are again three options how to do this:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

// Cancel Authorization
Authorization authorization = unzer.fetchAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Cancel cancel = authorization.cancel();

// Cancel Payment
Payment payment = unzer.fetchPayment("s-pay-1");
Cancel cancel2 = payment.cancel(new BigDecimal(0.1));

// Cancel using Unzer object
Cancel cancel3 = unzer.cancelAuthorization("s-pay-1");

Cancel on Charge (Refund)

Cancelling a charge refunds money from the merchant to the customer. There are several options how to do a refund:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

// cancel a charge using Charge object
Charge charge = unzer.fetchCharge("s-pay-1", "s-chg-1");
Cancel cancel = charge.cancel();

// cancel a charge using Unzer object
Cancel cancel = unzer.cancelCharge("s-pay-1", "s-chg-1", BigDecimal.ONE);


To execute a Shipment you need to call the shipment method in Unzer object:

Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

Shipment shipment = unzer.shipment(authorize.getPaymentId());


For any issues or questions please get in touch with our support team.

Web page





  • DE: +49 6221 43101-00
  • AT: +43 1 513 66 33 669

