
Primary LanguageVHDL

Firmware and support scripts to read out pc043 5-Maroc board.

To setup Xilinx software environment (Vivado) on Bristol Linux PCs:

. /software/CAD/Xilinx/2020.2/Vivado/2020.2/settings64.sh

To build the firmware:

mkdir work
cd work
curl -L https://github.com/ipbus/ipbb/archive/refs/tags/dev/2021i.tar.gz | tar xvz
source ipbb-dev-2021i/env.sh 
ipbb init build
cd build

ipbb add git https://github.com/ipbus/ipbus-firmware.git -b v1.6
ipbb add git https://github.com/ipbus-contrib/enclustra.git
ipbb add git https://github.com/uob-hep-cad/Maroc.git

ipbb proj create vivado top_a35_pc043a Maroc:projects/pc043a_5maroc top_pc043a.dep 

cd proj/top_a35_pc043a
ipbb vivado project
ipbb vivado impl
ipbb vivado bitfile
ipbb vivado memcfg
ipbb vivado package

After performing the build sequence the FPGA bitfile, PROM programming file and IPBus address map should be contained in work/build/proj/top_a35_pc043a/package/top_a35_pc043a_XXXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ.tgz where XXXX is the name of the build machine, YYYY is the date and ZZZZ is the time.

N.B. If you want to modify the code rather than just build the configuration files you probably want to use the repository URL that uses ssh shared keys ( git@github.com:uob-hep-cad/Maroc.git ) rather than the HTTP access