UMEB Website

Do NOT edit the CSV files without reading through Updating the Website for formatting rules AND verifying the output by Previewing the Website!!!

  1. Previewing the Website
  2. Updating the Website

Previewing the Website

Below are the steps to viewing this website locally:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. From the terminal, direct to the folder you would like to copy this project into. For example, if you want it in an existing folder on your Desktop named "boat", run the command cd Desktop/boat.

  3. Run the command:

    • git clone (to use your personal access token)
    • OR git clone (to use your SSH key)
    • ALTERNATIVELY: If you only need view-access to the code, click the green "Code" button near the top of this page then click "Download ZIP". Unzip the file into your desired folder. Skip to step 5.
  4. If neither of the above commands work, that means you have yet to set up a personal access token or SSH on your device. Follow:

    • this guide to create a personal access token (recommended for single use)
    • OR this guide to set up an SSH key (recommended for long-term use)
  5. Open a new window of VS Code. Open the folder.

  6. Go to the "Extensions" tab on the left sidebar of VS Code. If you can't find it, navigate to "View > Extensions" from the top menu.

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  1. Download the "Live Preview" extension. Wait for it to install.
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2 33 36 PM
  1. Go back to VS Code's "Explorer" tab. Right click the main index.html file (or any index.html file in the project). Select "Show Preview".
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2 34 19 PM
  1. A preview window should pop up next to the code. Copy-paste the URL (highlighted in the screenshot below) into Google Chrome (or any other browser) to preview the website on a full browser.
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2 34 48 PM
  1. You can now preview the website. Any changes you make to the code will auto-update in the VS Code window (as well as in your browser if you copy-pasted the URL). You may have to refresh the window if you don't see your changes right away.

Updating the Website

The site auto-updates based on CSV file data in umeb/assets/data/, for the most part. There are specific instructions to update these files, as the JavaScript code expects a certain format. These expectations are outlined below.

Important CSV formatting notes:

  • Any CSV fields containing a comma must be wrapped in quotes.
  • team.csv currently does not support commas within fields, even when wrapped in quotes.
  • New lines within a CSV field are not currently supported in this project.
  • If you are having issues making changes, import the CSV file into Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. After making changes, you can download the sheet as a CSV file to replace the original.

Changes beyond updating these files are non-trivial and require knowledge in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Instructions to do this are not included below.

Updating Sponsors

Sponsor data is in umeb/assets/data/sponsors/ in files platinum.csv, gold.csv, silver.csv, and bronze.csv. On the website, this data is displayed in the site footer and the "Sponsor" subpage.

The columns in platinum.csv and gold.csv are:

  • name - sponsor name
  • image_path - relative path to logo image, rooted at umeb/
  • url - URL of the sponsor's website. Use about:blank if they don't have a website.
  • paragraph - blurb about the sponsor. MUST be wrapped in quotes.

The columns in silver.csv and bronze.csv are:

  • name - sponsor name
  • image_path - relative path to logo image, rooted at umeb/
  • url - URL of the sponsor's website. Use about:blank if they don't have a website.

Adding a Sponsor

Modify the respective CSV file to reflect the new sponsor. Then put the sponsor logo in umeb/assets/img/sponsors/ and reflect the image's name in the image_path attribute of the CSV file. Note that sponsors will appear on the page in the same order as the CSV file.

Removing a Sponsor

Simply remove the sponsor's row from the respective CSV file. We strongly recommend deleting the corresponding logo from umeb/assets/img/sponsors/, but the logo will not show up without it's image_path in a CSV file.

Updating Team Members

Team member data is in the file umeb/assets/data/team.csv. On the website, this data is displayed on the "Team" subpage.

The columns in team.csv are:

  • name - member name
  • major - member major. For multiple majors, separate with a / symbol (e.g. "Computer Science / Physics").
  • subteam - member subteam
    • 0 = Leadership (i.e. Captain, Chief Engineer, Directors)
    • 1 = Project Leads (i.e. Software Lead, Controls Lead, etc)
    • 2 = Software
    • 3 = Controls
    • 4 = Powertrain
    • 5 = Structures
    • 6 = Drivetrain
    • 7 = Operations
    • 8 = Business
    • 9 = Cooling
  • role - member role. Blank for members below "Project Lead".
  • image_path - relative path to headshot, rooted at umeb/

Adding a Member

Modify team.csv to reflect the new team member. Then put their picture in umeb/assets/img/headshots/ and reflect the image's name in the image_path attribute of the CSV file.

Note that members will appear in their subteam section in the same order as the CSV file.


  • Separate multiple majors with a / symbol (e.g. "Computer Science / Physics").
  • Leave the role field blank unless the member is an Admin or Lead.
  • Leave the image_path field blank to use the default picture.
  • When leaving a field blank, make sure to still include commas (except at the end).
    • For example, to add a member with no role or headshot, use the format: "Jane Doe,Business,10,,"

Removing a Member

Simply remove the members's row from the respective CSV file. We strongly recommend deleting the corresponding headshot from umeb/assets/img/headshots/, but the headshot will not show up without it's image_path in the CSV file.

Updating Subteams

The CSV subteam index to text mapping is at the top of the team.js file in the umeb/assets/js/ directory. Update the subteams variable to make changes.

BEWARE: updating this variable will affect how team.csv is read. When editing this variable, verify that the "Team" subpage loads as expected. If not, update the CSV file to reflect your changes.

Note that subteams on the webpage are ordered by subteams.

Updating Leadership Contact Information

Leadership contact information is in the file umeb/assets/data/contact.csv. On the website, this data is displayed on the "Contact" subpage.

The columns in contact.csv are:

  • name - contact name
  • title - contact title/role
  • email - umich email

All admin and useful contacts for sponsors / potential new members should be included in this file.

Update this file by adding/removing rows from contacts.csv. Contacts will appear on the webpage in the same order as the CSV.

Updating Team Social Media Pages

Team social media account data is in the file umeb/assets/data/socials.csv. On the website, this data is displayed in the site footer.

The columns in socials.csv are:

  • name - social media website name
  • image_path - relative path to SVG icon, rooted at umeb/
  • url - URL to team page on respective social media website

Adding a Social Media Account

Modify socials.csv to reflect the new social media account.

Then put the social media website's logo SVG in umeb/assets/img/icons/ and reflect the image's name in the image_path attribute of the CSV file. Edit the SVG so that width and height are 48px and fill is #00274C (see other files in icons/ as examples).

Note that social media accounts will appear on the page in the same order as the CSV file.

Removing a Social Media Account

Simply remove the respective row from socials.csv. We strongly recommend deleting the corresponding logo from umeb/assets/img/icons/, but the logo will not show up without it's image_path in the CSV file.

Updating Boats

Boat data is in the file umeb/assets/data/boats.csv. On the website, this data is displayed on the "Boats" subpage.

The columns in boats.csv are:

  • name - boat name
  • image_path - relative path to image, rooted at umeb/
  • paragraph - one-paragraph description of the boat

Note that boats show up on the webpage in the same order as the CSV file.

When adding rows, please insert a corresponding image in umeb/assets/img/boats/. Please use the existing naming convention in that folder.

When deleting/replacing rows, please delete the corresponding image from umeb/assets/img/boats/.

Updating Main Page

Homepage data is in the file umeb/assets/data/values.csv. On the website, this data is displayed on the "Home" page.

The columns in values.csv are:

  • name - section title
  • image_path - relative path to image, rooted at umeb/
  • paragraph - one-paragraph description

When adding rows, please insert a corresponding image in umeb/assets/img/values/. Please use the existing naming convention in that folder.

When deleting/replacing rows, please delete the corresponding image from umeb/assets/img/values/.

Updates Header Images

To update the image at the top of each page, navigate to umeb/assets/img/heros/. Replace the respective subpage's image with the new image.

If the filename must change (e.g. old filename is "main.jpg" but the new filename is "main.png"), you must also update the heros variable in umeb/assets/js/essentials.js. This variable can be found in the loadHeros() function.