
A search engine written in Java, with web crawler and indexer

Primary LanguageJava

Search Engine

A search engine written from scratch in Java with clean and responsive AJAX-laden interface.

Video demo (1000 NUS webpages indexed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebzs99bgi3fnrf2/search_engine.mp4?dl=0


Alex Jiao, Alexandre Cukier, Rasmus Hvingelby

Mechanisms of search engine

A web crawler is implemented to fetch pages recursively from a given web site and an indexer is implemented to extract keywords from a page and inserts them into an inverted file. The indexer removes all stop words from the file. It then transforms words into stems using the Porter's algorithm.

It inserts the stems into the two inverted files: all stems extracted from the page body, together with all statistical information needed to support the vector space model, are inserted into one inverted file and all stems extracted from the page title are inserted into another inverted file.

The indexes support phrase search such as “hong kong” in page titles and page bodies.

The JDBM library from http://jdbm.sourceforge.net/ is used to create and manipulate the file structures for storing the inverted file and other file structures needed.

A retrieval function (or called the search engine) is implemented to compare a list of query terms against the inverted file and returns the top documents, up to a maximum of 50, to the user in a ranked order according to the vector space model.

Term weighting formula is based on tfxidf/max(tf) and document similarity is based on cosine similarity measure.

A mechanism is implemented to favor matches in title. For example, a match in the title would significantly boost the rank of a page.

A web interface is implemented to accept a user query in a text box, which is then submitted to the search engine, and to display the returned results to the user

Run the search engine

To run this program please follow these steps.

  1. Import project in Eclipse File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> "Choose your project" -> Finish

  2. Make sure the JAR's are included in the Build Path "Right-click on project" -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> "Add the JAR's from /lib"

  3. Edit the line 66 in Database2.java to the complete path of your workspace.

  4. Run the Main class. From here you will be prompted with options. The first thing you want to do is to start the spider by pressing "i". Then you can create a "spider_results.txt" files to see the database by pressing "p".

  5. To use the Search Engine press "s".

Deploy the Search Engine web interface.

Follow these steps to deploy the Search Engine web interface on a tomcat server.

  1. Create a new folder in your webapps folder called se.

  2. Place the libraries from /lib in "../webapps/se/WEB-INF/lib/"

  3. Export the Search Engine as a jar file. File -> Export -> JAR file -> "select all files and export the JAR file to ../webapps/se/WEB-INF/lib/ "

  4. Place the files from the web folder in "../webapps/se/"

  5. Restart the tomcat server and access the Search Engine webinterface on http://localhost:8080/se/search.html