
TechniWAN top free utility Windows ip-changer WAN IP on TIM Technicolor modems



A small Windows program to quickly change WAN IP on Technicolor modems

Actually tested on:
Technicolor DGA4331
Technicolor DGA4130

Getting started

Get the last release clicking on the Releases button located on the GitHUB right panel
or just click here. It's free for personal use


Windows operating system only

Running the executables

desktop mode:
Double clicking the TechniWAN icon shows the current IP
Dropping any file on TechniWAN icon triggers the IP-change
(press PAUSE to block countdown to window close)

cmd mode:
shows the current IP, doesn't change it
C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>TechniWAN anything
triggers the IP-change

other options (cmd mode):
C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>TechniWAN -uuser -ppassword -R192.168.2.1
sets user,password,router / shows the current IP, doesn't change it
C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>TechniWAN -x0 anything
triggers the IP-change with no countdown


SRP modem autentication

Built with

tdm-gcc (10.3.0)


Please contact me for bugs/improvements