War of the Ghosts:

the secret histories of Alfred Marshall, F.C. Bartlett, and J.R.R. Tolkien

An experiment in scholarly composition on github. Project consists of a Wiki, a blog, and (eventually) an ebook (epub, mobi) that can be downloaded as the essay is written.

Collaborators: primary researcher: Simon J. Cook (Twitter); technical support: Andrew Holgate; composition advisor: Brad Hammer

Expected date of completion: work to continue over the summer of 2015. It is hoped that an (unfinished) version of the book will be uploaded to the Rounded Globe website sometime in the late summer.

Tentative Contents

Introduction: War of the Ghosts
Chapter One: Marshall's histories
Chapter Two: Bartlett's histories
Chapter Three: Tolkien's histories
Conclusion: secret histories

Project Aims

Academic disciplinary histories have obscured the intellectual wealth of the recent past, erroneously presenting the 'founders' as doing the same kind of thing as today's practioners. By exploring the (overlooked) historical thought of three major thinkers - Marshall (economics), Bartlett (psychology), and Tolkien (English) - the essay brings to light a now lost rounded globe of knowledge. More

