This repository contains a collection of programs and scripts created during the low-level programming track of the ALX Software Engineering Program. These projects, primarily written in C, cover various fundamental topics including data structures, algorithms, pointers, memory allocation, and system programming.
This repository serves as a comprehensive guide and reference for the various projects completed during the low-level programming track. Each project is designed to build upon the previous ones, progressively increasing in complexity and covering a wide range of programming concepts and techniques.
- 0x00. C - Hello, World
- 0x01. C - Variables, if, else, while
- 0x02. C - Functions, nested loops
- 0x03. C - Debugging
- 0x04. C - More functions, more nested loops
- 0x05. C - Pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x06. C - More pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x07. C - Even more pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x08. C - Recursion
- 0x09. C - Static libraries
- 0x0A. C - argc, argv
- 0x0B. C - malloc, free
- 0x0C. C - More malloc, free
- 0x0D. C - Preprocessor
- 0x0E. C - Structures, typedef
- 0x0F. C - Function pointers
- 0x10. C - Variadic functions
- 0x11. C - printf
- 0x12. C - Singly linked lists
- 0x13. C - More singly linked lists
- 0x14. C - Bit manipulation
- 0x15. C - File I/O
- 0x16. C - Simple Shell
- 0x17. C - Doubly linked lists
- 0x18. C - Dynamic libraries
- 0x19. C - Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO
- 0x1A. C - Hash tables
- 0x1B. C - Sorting algorithms & Big O
- 0x1C. C - Makefiles
- 0x1D. C - Binary trees
- 0x1E. C - Search Algorithms