
Eclipse Sirius editor for a simple Project Scheduling Language (PSL).

Primary LanguageJava

PSL Sirius Editor

Eclipse Sirius editor for a simple Project Scheduling Language (PSL). The editor demonstrates:

How to run

  • Clone this repository
  • Install Epsilon 2.4 using the Eclipse Installer
    • Prefer an embedded JRE 11/17
  • Using the Help -> Install New Software menu in Eclipse, install the following features from the https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2021-12 update site
    • Sirius Properties Views - Runtime Support
    • Sirius Properties Views - Specifier Support
    • Sirius Specifier Environment
  • Import the following projects from this repository in your workspace
    • psl
    • psl.edit
    • psl.editor
    • psl.design
    • psl.tests
    • psl.validation
  • Right-click on the psl project and select Run As -> Eclipse Application
  • In the new Eclipse instance, import the following project from this repository
    • psl.example
  • Switch to the Modeling perspective
  • Explore the diagrams within acme.psl


Model validation

The psl.validation project contains a set of constraints in EVL, which implement more complex validation logic that cannot be encoded in the metamodel (e.g. that the start month and the duration of a task are positive numbers, that all persons participate in at least one task). To run these constraints, introduce an error into one of your diagrams (e.g. make the start month of a task a negative number or add a person to the project that does not contribute to any task) and then select the Diagram -> Validate menu. An error/warning marker should be added to the offending element as shown below.


The editor's custom icons were borrowed from the archi tool.