
SFP(+) cape for the VCC-GND YD-RP2040 pending a few modifications.

sfp-snoop-pcbdraw-front sfp-snoop-pcbdraw-back

Necessary YD-RP2040 Modifications

  1. Remove D2, F1, U1, C1, C2
  2. Bridge D2 pins 1 and 2 with a 0Ohm 0603 resistor

U1 (ME6215C33M5G) and supporting components on the YD-RP2040 are replaced by U1 (AIC1221-33GY3TR) on the sfp-snoop



YD-RP2040 SFP (INF-8074i) Transceivers
7 (GP5 - USART1 RX) 2 Huawei SmartAX MA5671A, Alcatel-Lucent G-010S-P, BFW WAS-110 UART TX
12 (GP8 - USART1 TX) 3 Nokia G-010S-A UART RX
9 (GP6 - I2C1 SDA) 4
10 (GP7 - I2C1 SCL) 5
11 (GP9 - USART1 RX) 6 Nokia G-010S-A UART TX
6 (GP4 - USART1 TX) 7 Huawei SmartAX MA5671A, Alcatel-Lucent G-010S-P, BFW WAS-110 UART RX
5 (GP3) 8
29 (GP22) 9
  • Short JP1
  • Short R10 jumper to pin 37 (GP23) for user button power switch, or populate R10 with a 10KOhm 0603 resistor to access RGB LED (GP23)

Bill of Materials

Total cost for single unit, incl. YD-RP2040 is around $5 USD.

Ref. Value LCSC Qty.
C1, C2 4.7uF C1872 2
C3, C6, C9, C11 0.1uF C282519 4
C4 150uF C542620 1
C7, C10 1uF C59302 2
C5, C8 0.01uF C525264 2
F1 2A C261954 1
J1 SFP+ C210158 1
J1 (Optional) SFP+ Cage C7429382 1
R1-R10 10KOhm C25804 9
U1 AIC1221-33GY3TR C211622 1
U2 AP2191WG-7 C141321 1
Ref. Value AliExpress Qty.
J2, J3 sfp-snoop Female 2.54mm pitch, 20-pin Female Header 1