
💬 GenQuotes. Created as a Frontend technical test on a company

Primary LanguageTypeScript

💬 GenQuotes

Demo: gen-quotes.pages.dev


Tech stack

  • React with Vite
  • Tailwind CSS with shadcn/ui
  • TypeScript


Development libraries



  • Node.js v18.x
  • pnpm

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/up2dul/gen-quotes.git

# or if using SSH
git clone git@github.com:up2dul/gen-quotes.git

Move into the project directory

cd gen-quotes

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Start the development server

pnpm dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:5173.


The login authentication is using fake REST APIs by DummyJSON. Use any user's credentials from dummyjson.com/users to login, or use the example accounts below.

  • Username: avat
  • Password: avatpass