
A simple blog posts app using gorest.co.in API. Created as Frontend technical test on a company.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple blog posts app using gorest.co.in API.

Live preview: a8k-gorest.vercel.app



Tech stack

  • ⚛️ React 18
  • ⬛ Next.js 14
  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS with shadcn/ui
  • 🔷 TypeScript

Development tools

  • 📝 Biome — Code formatter and linter
  • 🔤 Commitlint — Make sure the commit messages are well formatted
  • 🐶 Husky — A git hooks
  • 📋 Lint Staged — Running some scripts before committing

Getting started


Requires Node.js >=18.x. And pnpm >=8.x is recommended as the package manager.

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/up2dul/gorest-blog.git

# or if using SSH
git clone git@github.com:up2dul/gorest-blog.git

Move into the project directory

cd gorest-blog

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Setup the environment variables

Copy the .env.example file to .env.local and fill in the values.


Start the development server

pnpm dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.