
⚛️ A minimal React + Vite + TypeScript starter template with 📁 file-based routing and 📝 Biome for the linter + formatter

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ℹ️ RVTGB stands for React Vite TypeScript Generouted Biome.


This starter template is a minimal setup to get React working with:

Also some additional development tools:

  • 🔤 Commitlint — Make sure the commit messages are well formatted
  • 🐶 Husky — A git hooks
  • 📋 Lint Staged — Running some scripts before committing

💡 Check out this template instead if you prefer to use the same template without any routing library installed.

Getting Started

Clone this template

Clone this template using one of the following methods:

1. Use this repository as a template

Click the "Use this template" button on the top of this page to create a new repository based on this template.


Disclosure: by using this repository as a template, there will be an attribution on your repository.

2. Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/up2dul/rvtgb.git

# or if you have SSH keys setup
git clone git@github.com:up2dul/rvtgb.git

3. Using degit

degit is a tool that allows you to quickly create a new repository based on an existing one.

npx degit up2dul/rvtgb my-new-project


Requires Node.js >=18.x. And pnpm >=8.x is recommended as the package manager.

Install dependencies

Make sure you have already in the project directory.

pnpm install

Run the development server

Start the development server by running the following command, and the application will be available at http://localhost:5173.

pnpm dev

Additional informations

  • Absolute paths aliases with ~. Edit the vite.config.ts and tsconfig.json files if you want to change the aliases.
  • The src/pages directory is the default directory for the pages, check out the Generouted documentation for more details.
  • This project is using Biome as the code formatter and linter instead of ESLint with Prettier. Edit the biome.json to change the configuration based on your needs, by checking out the Biome for more details.