
Higher level client for Elasticsearch written in Node.js oriented on facets and simplicity

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Higher level client for Elasticsearch in Node.js oriented on facets. It's a compact version of ItemsAPI without API.


  • faceted search
  • full text
  • pagination
  • big data support

Getting Started

npm install elasticitems
const elasticitems = require('elasticitems')(es_config, search_config);
.then(result => {


var elasticitems = ElasticItems(es_config, [search_config])


The first es_config is elasticsearch configuration object and contains values like host, index or type.


Responsible for defining global configuration.

  • aggregations filters configuration i.e. for tags, actors, colors, etc. Responsible for generating facets.

  • sortings you can configure different sortings like tags_asc, tags_desc with options and later use it with one key.

elasticitems.search(options, [search_config])


  • per_page amount of items per page.

  • page page number - used for pagination.

  • query used for full text search.

  • sort used for sorting. one of sortings key

  • filters filtering items based on specific aggregations i.e. {tags: ['drama' , 'historical']}

  • query_string i.e. "brand:Audi OR brand:Mercedes"

elasticitems.similar(id, options)

Show similar items based on collaborative filtering


  • fields i.e ['tags'].


It returns full list of filters for specific aggregation


  • name aggregation name

  • per_page filters per page

  • size how much load into memory (for pagination)

  • page page number

  • sort responsible for sorting mechanism. It can be _count or _term

  • order responsible for an order. It can be asc or desc

  • filters filter this aggregation through another aggregations (facets)

  • aggregation_query used for quering filters. It's not full text search

  • query search through items

  • query_string search through items by query string i.e. (category:Garden and color:red)


Returns found record otherwise throw an error

elasticitems.getBy(key, value)

Returns record based on key and value

elasticitems.add(data, [options])

Add a new object into index. Provide your own id if you don't want it auto-generated

elasticitems.partialUpdate(id, data, [options])

Updates object in index


Delete object from index