
Send notifications all in one.

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Send notifications all in one.


GitHub Action

# It won't work on `pull_request`, github won't pass secrets.xxx for the workflow triggered by pull request
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Notify telegram
        # You could use master version, but it's recommended to use [latest release version](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/action-notify) instead.
        uses: up9cloud/action-notify@master
        if: cancelled() == false
          GITHUB_JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}
          TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: ${{secrets.TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}}
  # Or you could use this as standalone job:
    if: cancelled() == false
    needs: deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: up9cloud/action-notify@master
          GITHUB_JOB_STATUS: ${{ needs.deploy.result }}
          TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: ${{secrets.TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}}
          # Custom template file path, relative to the repo root
          TELEGRAM_TEMPLATE_PATH: "./test/telegram/custom.txt"
          # Custom env, assign it from [GitHub context](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/context-and-expression-syntax-for-github-actions#contexts)
          CUSTOM_VAR1: ${{github.repository_owner}}
          CUSTOM_VAR2: "a custom variable"

See more usage examples: .github/workflows/main.yml

Drone CI

kind: pipeline
name: after

- name: notify
  image: sstc/action-notify
    CUSTOM_VAR2: "a custom variable in environment"
      from_secret: telegram_bot_token
      from_secret: telegram_chat_id
    custom_var2: "a custom variable in settings"

Custom template

Template will be parsed by envsubst, e.q.

Commit message: ${GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE}
Repo owner: ${CUSTOM_VAR1}
Custom var: ${CUSTOM_VAR2}
Custom var in drone plugin settings: ${PLUGIN_CUSTOM_VAR2}

See more template examples: ./template/**/*

Env variables

You can:

Built-in variables

Common ones:

  • GITHUB_JOB_STATUS: Required if you're using GitHub Action, have to set this to let entrypoint.sh knows job status.

      GITHUB_JOB_STATUS: ${{ job.status }}
  • CUSTOM_SCRIPT: Run custom script, and will ignore default action

    • e.q. if you set this with TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID, it will only run your CUSTOM_SCRIPT instead trigger built-in notify_telegram function
  • VERBOSE: show log or not, true or false

    • Default value: false

Platform related:

  • Telegram
    • TELEGRAM_TEMPLATE_PATH: Telegram template file path
      • Default value: ./template/telegram/${TEMPLATE}.${TELEGRAM_PARSE_MODE}
    • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Get it from @BotFather
      • Required if want to notify telegram
      • e.q. 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
    • TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: First sending messages to bot, then get it from https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/getUpdates
      • Required if want to notify telegram
      • e.q. -123456789
    • TELEGRAM_PARSE_MODE: txt, md or html. This will map to telegram formatting options
      • Default value: txt
  • Slack
    • SLACK_TEMPLATE_PATH: Slack template file path
      • Default value: ./template/slack/${TEMPLATE}.json
    • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: Get it from Incoming WebHooks app
      • Required if want to notify slack via webhook
      • e.q. https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    • SLACK_API_TOKEN: Slack api token, various. If you were using bot token, remember /invite @BOT_NAME first
      • Required if want to notify slack via api
    • SLACK_CHANNEL: Slack channel id
      • Required if want to notify slack via api. (good to have if via webhook)
      • e.q. #general
  • Discord
    • DISCORD_TEMPLATE_PATH: Discord template file path
      • Default value: ./template/discord/${TEMPLATE}.json
    • DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL: Get it from Edit Channel -> Integrations -> Webhooks
      • Required if want to notify discord via webhook
  • Line
    • LINE_TEMPLATE_PATH: Line.me template file path
      • Default value: ./template/line.me/${TEMPLATE}.json
    • LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN: Get it from Developer console -> Bot -> Messaging api -> Channel access token (long-lived)
      • Required if want to notify line.me
    • LINE_TO: The user id, group id or chat id. Get it from webhook objects (have to build your server to receive objects)
      • Required if want to notify line.me

      • It can be multiple ids

        • Must be users, if you want to notify mixed ids with group or chat id, you have to trigger this action one by one.
        • Using , to separate each id, e.q.
          LINE_TO: "Uxxxxxxxxxxx,Uxxxxxxxxxxx"

Template related

  • TEMPLATE: Built in template style, see ./template/<vendor variants>/${TEMPLATE}.<ext>

    • Could be debug, default or default.drone
    • Default value
      • GitHub Action: default
      • Drone CI: default.drone
  • GIT_SHA_SHORT: Shorter commit sha cut -c1-8


    • GitHub Action: event's value .commits[-1].message, .workflow_run.head_commit.message
    • Drone CI: same as DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE
  • GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE_ESCAPED: Same as GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE, but escaped, can be safely used in JSON template

    • e.q. {"msg":"${GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE_ESCAPED}"}

    • GitHub Action: event's value .commits[-1].committer.username, .workflow_run.head_commit.committer.name
    • Drone CI: same as DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR
  • STATUS_COLOR: The RGB color hex code based on job status and following settings:

    • STATUS_COLOR_SUCCESS: The success color
      • Default value: #22863a
    • STATUS_COLOR_FAILURE: The failure color
      • Default value: #cb2431
    • STATUS_COLOR_CANCELLED: The cancelled color
      • Default value: #6a737d

  • STATUS_EMOJI: The emoji based on job status and following settings:

    • STATUS_EMOJI_SUCCESS: The success emoji
      • Default value: 🟢
    • STATUS_EMOJI_FAILURE: The failure emoji
      • Default value: 🔴
    • STATUS_EMOJI_CANCELLED: The cancelled emoji
      • Default value: ⚪️