
Ansible modules and sample playbooks for Lagopus router

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains ansible modules and exmaple playbooks for lagopus-router setup, spawn, and configuration.

Quick Start

1. Install lagopus-router on your local Linux machine

Install ansible and run site.yml. We tested on ubuntu 18.04.

sudo apt install ansible

# prepare ssh-keys or pass-phrase to execute ansible-playbook

git clone https://github.com/upa/lagopus-router-ansible.git
cd lagopus-rotuer-ansible
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=module ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -i hosts site.yml

Note that default site.yml tries to bind 0000:01:00.0 to igb_uio. Please modify here before executing ansible if needed.

# in lagopus-router-ansible/site.yml
  - name: bind device to dpdk driver
    become: yes
    devbind: device=000:01:00.0 driver=igb_uio  # <= here

After ansible-playbook finished, run cli ($GOPATH/bin must be included in $PATH).


2. Test lagopus-router using vagrant

Install VirtualBox, Vagrant, and ansible. We tested on macOS 10.13.6, VirtualBox 5.2.24, Vagrant 2.2.23, and Ansible 2.7.6 installed from brew.

brew install ansible

git clone https://github.com/upa/lagopus-router-ansible.git
cd lagopus-rotuer-ansible
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=module vagrant up --provision

This Vagrantfile creates two VMs based on generic/ubuntu1804. One is a lagopus-router and another is a simple linux node. The created topology is shown below.

|             lagopus1             |
|  +----------------------------+  |
|  | VSI1                       |  |
|  |  +----------------------+  |  |
|  |  |    Bridge Vlan100    |  |  |
|  |  |        Vlan100       |  |  |
|  |  +---+--------------+---+  |  |
|  |      |              |      |  |
|  +----------------------------+  |
|         |              |         |
|     +---+---+      +---+---+     |
|     | if0.0 |      | if1.0 |     |
|     +---+---+      +---+---+     |
|         | VID:100      | VID:100 |
|      +--+--+        +--+--+      |
|      | if0 |        | if1 |      |
          |              |        
          |              |
          |              |
|     |  eth2 |   |  |  eth3 |  |  |
|     +---+---+   |  +---+---+  |  |
|   |  |  |
|		  |             |  |
|		  |   testns    |  |
|                 +-------------+  |
|               node1              |

Vagrant creates two ubuntu VMs, and ansible does lagopus-router installation, configuration, and execution. After vagrant up finished, you can ssh by vagrant ssh node1 and ping to through lagopus-router from defaulet netns on node1.

provisioning directory contains playbooks for this example. setup.yml installs lagopus-router, and lagopus.yml spawns vsw and openconfigd. node1.yml just creates and setup netns on node1.

Ansible Modules for Lagopus Router

we implemented 5 ansible modules, dpdk_install, devbind, hugepages, spawn, and vswconfig, for lagopus router, but they are not exclusive to lagopus.



dpdk_install module installs DPDK from source. It also loads uio and igb_uio modules.


Parameter Cohices/Defaults Comments
version 18.11.1 DPDK version.
url http://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-[version].tar.xz URL where DPDK source tar ball exists
target x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc DPDK compile target architecture
build_dir /usr/src where DPDK source is extracted.
build_shared_lib False Build DPDK with CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=y compile option
jobs 1 number of CPUs used to compile DPDK source


- hosts: host
  become: yes
  - name: install dpdk
    dpdk_install: build_shared_lib=true jobs=6

This playbook installs DPDK version 18.11.1 into /usr/src, and the build directory is /usr/src/dpdk-stable-18.11.1/build as default.



devbind module bind NIC to specified drivers. This module DOES NOT use dpdk-devbind.py. This module modify /sys/bus/pci/devices/[PCI_BUS] and /sys/bus/pci/drivers/[DRV_NAME]. Thus, this module does not depend on DPDK so that it can apply to any PCI devices and device drivers mapping. Note that this requires Linux kernel 3.15 and later because of /sys/bus/pci/devices[PCI_BUS]/driver_override.


Parameter Cohices/Defaults Comments
device Required PCI bus number
driver Required device driver name such as igb_uio, mlx5_core, ixgbe, etc


- hosts: host
  become: yes
  - name: bind device to dpdk driver
    devbind: device=000:01:00.0 driver=igb_uio



hugepages module allocates hugepages.


Parameter Cohices/Defaults Comments
size 2M or 1G, defualt is 2M size of a hugepage
nr_pages Required number of hugepages to be allocated
node 0 Numa node where hugepages to be allocated


- hosts: host
  become: yes
  - name: set hugepages
    hugepages: nr_pages=1024



spawn module spawns a program as a daemon process. Unlike command module, spawn module manages existance of the process. Note that this module must work with async and poll modules.


Parameter Cohices/Defaults Comments
args Required command arguments
stdout /dev/null file path in which stdout output redirected
stderr /dev/null file path in which stderr output redirected
pidfile /var/run/[command] pid file path
respawn false if true, the existing process is killed and respawned
cwd ansible default dir working directory

When respawn is false, spawn module checks pidfile. If the pidfile exists, it checks existance of a process with the pid. If the pidfile does not exist, it checks all processes and there cmdline.


- hosts: host
  become: yes
  - name: spawn vsw
      args: vsw -v -f /home/upa/work/vsw-dir/vsw1.conf
      pidfile: /tmp/vsw.pid
      stderr: /tmp/vsw-stderr
      stdout: /tmp/vsw-stdout
      respawn: true
    async: 10
    poll: 1
    become: yes



vswconfig module is a lagopus-router specific module (correctly, openconfigd-specific). It configures vsw through cli_command of openconfigd.

Parameter Cohices/Defaults Comments
config Required a command line for configuration mode
cli_command cli_command path for cli_command


- hosts: host
    GOPATH : /home/upa/go
    GOPATH: "{{ GOPATH }}"
    PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'PATH') }}:{{ GOPATH }}/bin"
  - name: configure vsw
    vswconfig: config={{ item }}
      - set network-instances network-instance vsi3 config type L2VSI
      - set network-instances network-instance vsi3 config enabled true
      - commit

cli_command is usually installed in $GOPATH/bin directory. To execute cli_command from asnbile, set GOPATH and $GOPATH/bin in PATH env variable, or use cli_command parameter to specifiy cli_command path.