
Virtual eXtensible LAN with netmap API

Primary LanguageC


netmap is a framework for high speed packet I/O. about netmap, please see http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/netmap/ . this implementation is vxlan gateway using netmap I/O.

 usage of vxlan-netmap
 	 -o : overlay interface name
 	 -i : internal interface name
 	 -s : source vtep address
 	 -v : vni-vlan-mcastaddr mapping

 ethtool -K ixgbe0 rxvlan off txvlan off
 ethtool -K ixgbe1 rxvlan off txvlan off
 gcc -g vxlan-netmap.c -o vxlan-netmap -lpthread
 sudo ./vxlan-netmap -o ixgbe0 -i ixgbe1 -s -v 1-10- -v 2-20-

Packets including vlan id from a internal interface are encapsulated with a VNI which is configured by -v options, and transmited to vxlan overlay network from an overlay interface. specifying vlan id 0 means untaged packet.


  • show commands
  • strip vlan tag in overlay networks

