
Frontend for Resource Optimization Service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Resource Optimization Service (Frontend)

Resource Optimization is a service that can help you optimize your public cloud workloads on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Read more about it here



Setup Development Environment

  1. Clone below repositories:
git clone https://github.com/RedHatInsights/ros-frontend.git
git clone https://github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-chrome.git
git clone https://github.com/RedHatInsights/ros-backend.git
  1. Make sure you meet the prerequisites mentioned in both frontend and backend repositories.Also Setup the initial /etc/hosts entries - (do this once)
Edit /etc/hosts

Add below content: stage.foo.redhat.com prod.foo.redhat.com


run the script (with sudo)

npm run patch:hosts

With deployed backend (Stage+Prod)

  1. To run the dev setup, go to directory where you have cloned ros-frontend repo

[With Stage/Production Backend] ROS Frontend TAB

cd ../ros-frontend
npm install
npm run start

Follow the prompts that follow and select the required envrionment: stage/prod

Which platform environment you want to use? 
> stage 

This will run the ros-frontend pointing to backend deployed to the selected envrionment. Once it is running go to browser and access it using https://stage.foo.redhat.com:1337/insights/ros(for Stage) OR https://prod.foo.redhat.com:1337/insights/ros(for Production) link.

With local backend

  1. Follow the steps mentioned under the ros-backend repository for setting up local backend server.

  2. [With local Backend] ROS Frontend TAB

cd ../ros-frontend
npm install
npm run local

This will run the ros-frontend pointing to local backend. Once it is running go to browser and access it using https://stage.foo.redhat.com:1337/insights/ros link.

please check package.json for other available scripts

Running the Tests

Tests can be executed with:

npm run test

Few tests are Snapshot tests used to verify that current test output matches a snapshot taken before. If these changes are legitimate, the snapshots need to be updated with:

npm run test -- -u

Running the lint

// to run lint
npm run lint

// to fix lint errors
npm run lint:js:fix


Please refer this link



Major Dependencies used in the Project


insights-chrome- The "wrapper" around your application!

Insights Chrome provides:

  • Standard header and navigation
  • Base CSS/style
  • A JavaScript library for interacting with Insights Chrome


PatternFly is an open source design system created to enable consistency and usability across a wide range of applications and use cases. PatternFly provides clear standards, guidance, and tools that help designers and developers work together more efficiently and build better user experiences.


Frontend-components is a monorepo of Red Hat Cloud services Components for applications in a React.js environment. This repo uses a lot of components imported from the frontend-components repo.