
This repository contains a shell script to quickly spin up the dev environment on a linux machine.

Primary LanguageShell

Linux Development Environment Script

This is a shell script to quickly setup the java development environment for a new user or for a new linux machine. This script has been tested for ubuntu versions 18 and 20. The skip provides option of skip installation for a particluar tool.

Tools available

  • openJDK 8
  • maven(latest version)
  • git
  • VScode
  • IntelliJ
  • Docker


The script will install them automatically if they are not present on the system

  • curl
  • snap
  • root user privlages

Run the script

sudo ./spinsystem.sh


Feel free to add more tools to the script and help the community. Raise a PR against the master. Branch name convention: feature/added-<tool name>