
Effective Kafka Notes

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Effective Kafka

Chapter 1: Event Streaming Fundamentals

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)

  • is a paradigm -> reaction to events
  • event -> change in state
  • consist of
    • emitters (producers)
    • consumers (subscribers)
    • channels(brokers)
  • An emitter of an event is not aware of any of the event's downstream consumers.
  • Event notifications are immutable.
  • Features:
    • Coupling - loosely coupled
    • Resilience - less prone to outage (limited to individual component)
    • Consistency - maintained by enforcing the single writer principle.

What is event streaming?

  • Event stream -> durable, totally-ordered, unbounded sequence of immutable event records, delivered at least once to its subscriber(s).

Chapter 2: Apache Kafka

Uses of Kafka

  • Publish-subscribe
  • Log aggregation -> act as a buffer, offering an intermediate, durable database.
  • Log shipping -> real-time copying of data which can be replayed later.
  • SEDA pipeline -> Staged Event-Driven Architecture
    • event flow through a series of processing stages linked by topics.
  • CEP - Complex Event Processing
    • extracts meaningful information and pattersn in a stream of discrete events.
    • Used in algo sotck trading, security thread analysis, real time fraud detection.

Chapter 3: Architecture and Core concept

  • Broker Node: Host a set of append-only log files by partition.
  • Zookeeper Nodes: Act as a consistent and highly available configuration repository of cluster metadata.
    • It's not an internal component of Kafka, but an open-source project in its own.
  • Produces: Client app responsible for appending records to Kafka topics
  • Consumers: Client app that read from topics

Total and partial order

  • Total ordered set - every element has a well-defined ordering relationship with every other element in the set
    • Ex - 1-> 2 -> 3 -> 4
    • Every element has a predecessor-successor relationship with every other element.
    • We can remove any element from the set and reinsert them back and will arrive at the same sequence.
  • Unordered set -> {Delhi, Mumbai, KolKata}
    • We don't know why Delhi should appear before Mumbai without applying any constraints.
    • No pair of elements are comparable.
  • Partially ordered set -> Ex - set of natural no. ordered by divisibility, such that a number must appear after its divisor.
    • {2, 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 9, 10, 8}
    • 2 appear before 4 and 4 appear before 8 or 12.
    • Not every pair of elements needs to be comparable.
  • Casual order -> two elements may be bounded by a happened-before relationship.
    • each element represents an event and some pairs of events have a happened-before relationship.


  • corresponds to some event of interest.
  • Attributes:
    • Key - optional non-unique key
      • represented as an array of bytes.
    • Value - payload of a record.
    • Headers - a set of free-form key-value pairs that can optionally annotate a record.
    • Partition number - A zero-based index of the partition that the record appears in.
    • Offset- A 64-bit interger for locating a record withing a partition.
      • uniquely identifies it in the partition.
      • acts as a priamary key, allowing for fast, O(1) lookups.
      • strictly monotonically increasing integer
  • Here, key is not a primary key.
  • Primary key - record's partition number and its offset.


  • Published records are appeneded to a partition.
  • Any pair of records in the same partition is bound by a predecessor-successor relationship (assigned by produer application)


  • Comprises of one or more partitions and a partition must be a part of exactly one topic

Consumer Groups and Load balancing

  • A consumer is a process or thread that attach to a kafka cluster via a client library.
  • A consumer group are effectively a load-balancing mechanism within kafka - distributing partition assignements evenly among the individual consumer instances withing the group.
  • A consumer internally maintains an offset that points to the next record in a partition. Consumer groups also ensures availability.
    • By peridically reading records from a topic, the consumer implicitly signals to the cluster that its in a healthy state.
    • If the consumer fail to read again within the allowable deadline, it will be deemed faulty nad its partition will be reassigned.

Committing offsets

  • Persisting the consumer state back to the Kafka cluster is called commiting the offset.
  • Consumer will read a record and commit the offset of the last record +1.
  • If a new consumer takes over the topic, it will commence processing from the last commit offset
  • image

Chapter 6: Desing Consideration

Roles and responsibilties

  • Who owns the topic and who's responsible for it's upkeep?
    • In single-producer-multiple-consumers, there may be a number of disaggreeing parties.
    • Sol - Rather than feeding consumers directly, intermediate processing stages are employed to conform to consumer group's expectations.
    • Consumer takes ownership of the conditioning stage.


  • Producer-driven partitioning
    • Responsibility of assigning records to partition lies with the producer.

Idempotence and exactly-once delivery