
A @crossplane configuration that depends on only provider-dummy

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dummy Crossplane Configuration

This repository defines a Crossplane configuration that depends on only provider-dummy which includes a dummy external API for contained experimentation with the least amount of setup - such as requiring no credentials.

This repository is only intended for learning and experimentation. The APIs may have breaking changes any time.

What's Inside

  • crossplane.yaml: The definition file for a configuration.
  • apis: The CompositeResourceDefinition and Composition resources that make up APIs.
  • examples: Example YAMLs for the defined APIs.

Getting Started

  1. In Upbound Console, create a control plane that depends on a configuration repository forked from this one.
  2. Deploy the external server of the provider-dummy somewhere that is publicly exposed. See example deployment here.
    • You can also install the provider to Upbound in no-op mode and deploy controller and server somewhere else together by following the instructions here.
  3. Create a ProviderConfig for provider-dummy with the endpoint of the server.
  4. Create your first resource from examples folder!