gliderlabs_registrator Cookbook

This cookbook can be used to install the Gliderlabs Registrator.


Supported Platforms

  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS


  • docker - If the docker or source_docker install method is chosen
  • golang - If the source install method is chosen
  • yum, apt, zypper - If package install method is chosen


Supported directory needs to be installed, e.g. Consul or Etcd. Please check the



JSON: ['value'] == node['gliderlabs_registrator']['value']

Key Type Description Default
['install_method'] String Installation method. Possible values: 'package', 'docker', 'source_docker', 'source'. Method 'package' requires 'addrepo' recipe to add custom repository. 'source_docker'
['registrator_repo'] String Docker repo for 'docker' installation method 'gliderlabs/registrator'
['registrator_tag'] String Docker repo tag for 'docker' installation method 'latest'
['golang_docker_repo'] String Docker repo with Go image for 'source_docker' install method 'golang'
['golang_docker_tag'] String Docker repo tag for 'source_docker' install method 'latest'
['bin_path'] String Path where to place the binary for 'source_docker' and 'source' methods '/usr/local/bin'
['src_command'] String Command to use to get sources for 'source_docker' and 'source' methods 'go get'
['backend'] String Directory backend type. Check documentation for the list of supported backends. nil
['backend_url'] String Directory backend URL nil
['backend_port'] String Directory backend port nil
['cleanup'] String Remove dangling services nil
['deregister'] String Deregister exited services "always" or "on-success" 'always'
['internal'] String Use internal ports instead of published ones nil
['ip'] String IP for ports mapped to the host nil
['resync'] String Frequency with which services are resynchronized nil
['retry-attempts'] String Max retry attempts to establish a connection with the backend. Use -1 for infinite retries nil
['retry-interval'] String Interval (in millisecond) between retry-attempts. 2000
['tags'] String Append tags for all registered services nil
['ttl'] String TTL for services (default is no expiry) nil
['ttl-refresh'] String Frequency with which service TTLs are refreshed nil
['docker_bind'] String Docker socket to listen '/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock'



Include gliderlabs_registrator in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [

Alternatively, you can include it within your own recipe:

include_recipe 'gliderlabs_registrator::default'

License and Authors

Author:: Petr Belyaev