
using jQuery created basic house functions that can be controlled by remote

Primary LanguageCSS


jQuery Smart Control4's Home


I constructed a jQuery application simulating house automation. jQuery Smart Control4’s Home provides a control panel enabling users to interact with their homes while they are away. One feature enables users to turn a light on and off. A temperature control panel regulates a home’s temperature. This panel includes the added features of enabling users to open a window, turn on a fan, or start a fire. jQuery Smart Control4’s Home uses Python, Flask, and JavaScript. Project link: http://jquerysmartcontrols.herokuapp.com/

What I learned

  • I learned flexbox and how to create a web application without CSS framework, like bootstraom, semanticUI.
  • I wireframed the application, and came up with the design and functionality.
  • learned about jQuery animation.

What I built

  • I wrote the entire code challenge from scratch without looking at previous examples.
  • I started it simple with just a straightforward click feature that would show two different images.
  • I first implemented the light switch. This has a feature that enables a user to click a button that toggles a “light bulb off” or a “light bulb on” picture. I used jQuery toggleClass to toggle the two different images. I removed the background from the images and then placed these images in a box with a black background. When a user clicks light switch the images two images toggle, thus gives an “on” or “off” effect.
  • I later decided to use CSS to create my own light instead of the images. I created two circles, one with a transparent background image and another with a white background. I used CSS color gradient shadow to give a glowing effect to the light bulb. I then added a vertical line from the top of the circles to indicate a hanging light.
  • I used the jQuerry toggle feature to change the background image color. I also used CSS to highlight green to show “on,” and red to show “off.”
  • I built the temperature control panel. I used two div-boxes, one for the user input of the temperature and one for the “set” button.
  • A user can click the temperature up or down arrow in the input box, or they can type in a desired temp. Once a user clicks the “set” button, one of the components for “fan,” “fire,” or “window” will animate. I programmed an “if else” conditional statement to represent when each component will animate.
  • I built the triangle roof in CSS. I looked at a toggle arrow tooltip and decided do something similar. But I made a large triangle instead. I took a square, and using transparent background effect, removed the other sides, leaving a triangle. I placed the triangle inside the div-box.
  • I built the window. Using a shade vector, I removed the background. When a user clicks a desired temperature, the shade will go up. I originally had a window behind the shade, but I was unable to get it to show up. I tried using jQuery to build the HTML window, and then using appendTo() method to attach it to the window div-box, I later tried the hide-show method, but ended up running out of time and so I just used the shade to give a window-opening effect.
  • I created four div-boxes using flex-box. Each of these div-boxes is a room in a house. I gave each room a different background color.
  • Using jQuery I placed each animation inside a box using the div-box ids.
  • I used jQuery to create the animation and then used appendTo() method to attach each animation to the DOM where the div-boxes live.

What I used

  • CodePen: fire 

Fire: ttps://codepen.io/OfficialAntarctica/pen/JXVpgp.

For the heater effect I used fire CSS animation from CodePen. In my CSS file you will see where I clearly marked CodePen code for fire and fan.

  • CodePen: fan 

Fan: http://codepen.io/zastrow/pen/uhzfl/

I originally had my own fan, but I was unable to get jQuery to animate the spinning. I decided to use the CodePen fan effect instead so I could focus on other aspects of the application.

What I focused on and why: 

I focused on functionality first and then getting the animation getting components to work properly. I then focused on the UI as I feel it is important for any application to have a design that works well and aesthetically pleasing. 

What you didn't get to and how you would approach/finish it:

  • I didn't get to finish the window that is behind the shade. 
  • Layout needs to be more responsive for all platforms and devices. 
  • I would have liked to use more jQuery animation than CSS.

If time permitted, I would have liked to:

  • Create my own CSS fire/heater and my own fan instead of using third party tools. 
  • Finish the mobile aspects of the layout.
  • Spend more time calculating the CSS height and width dimensions of the layout. 
  • Add more features to the temperature panel, stop button, and perhaps a sound effect or notification message. 
  • I would have liked to do some chimp/mocha and chai testing on the application.


jQuery Smart Control4's Home Image of Yaktocat


Project includes Python files, jQuery files From command line make project directory and cd into that directory

$ mkdir smartControl
$ cd smartControl
  • To set up server, create a Sandbox
    • Add Python sandbox by creating a virtual environment
$ virtualenv env  # creates virtual sandbox environment
$ source env/bin/activate  # this activates your environment
(env)$ python  #(env) activates sandbox

Python Installing Libraries

  • Once virtual sandbox is created, install Flask a light-weight framework, save environment configuration. It will be used later for deployment to Heroku.


(env)$ pip install flask # creates python framework

Project Folder Structure

---evn/ ---static/ ----------css/ index.css ----------js/ index.js ---server.py ---README.md ---requirements.txt ---.gitignore

In the shell, type the following to set up project directories and files

(env)$ mkdir templates # holds templates for the view layer(HTML)
(env)$ mkdir static, css, js, data # static folder holds css, js and JSON files
(env)$ touch server.py # holds server code to run timeline program

Flask Save Env Config

  • Next, save requirements by pip freeze
  • requirements.txt make explicit, repeatable installation of packages. This creates a working set of packages that can be installed elsewhere. Requirements files lets person install exact versions, but it won’t tell what all the exact versions are.

To create a new requirements file from a known working environment, use:

(env)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction before getting started. Information below follows python server code that sets up the sever. Execute the following Python code:

Flask App

Python Server File

import os
import sys
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.environ.get("FLASK_SECRET_KEY", "<secretKEY>")
def index():
    return render_template("index.html")

def error():
    raise Exception("Error!")

#-HELPER FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------------#

if __name__ == "__main__":

    PORT = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 5000))
    DEBUG = "NO_DEBUG" not in os.environ

    app.run(debug=DEBUG, host="", port=PORT)

Run Timeline App

In terminal enter:

(env)$ python server.py
Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)


Deployed to Heroku

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Documentation & Support

For more information, please visit: Flask: http://flask.pocoo.org/ jQuery: https://jquery.com/ Heroku: https://www.heroku.com/ Fire: ttps://codepen.io/OfficialAntarctica/pen/JXVpgp Fan: http://codepen.io/zastrow/pen/uhzfl/


This is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.

U.P.⇡[code] http://umapetersen.com