This project is presents list of Rest API's ,which are useful to create a petstore and also to all kind of CRUD operations ,like Creating a petStore and retrive list of Pets from store and also deleting the existing pet.
This project assumes developer has basic knowledge about developing api's using Spring boot and In memory databases.
Java 1.8
Latest version Of STS or Eclipse
Maven central access
Spring Boot
H2 In Memory database
##Testing tools
Download the project and unzip it.
Import project as existing gradle project.
And Run the project as SpringBoot APP.
Once successfully run we should see "8080 (http) with context path '/'" in eclipse console.
Open any api testing tool like postman or sopaUI
use the follwing url to retrive all pets from store.
Get :-http://localhost:8080/
This project incudes good amount of junit test cases written using mockito.
To check the test cases go src/test/java
All the databases schema is included within the src/mai/resources folder.
- Gradle - Dependency Management
- Upendar Reddy